Can't Boot from CD

I’m a Kubuntu user looking to switch to OpenSuSE, so I downloaded it and burned it to a DVD…but now, I can’t get my computer to boot from it. When I go to boot off of the CD, it brings up a black screen that tells me ‘no operating system found’. I can’t imagine what I could have done wrong; I downloaded the 4.7 GB DVD 32-bit via BitTorrent and burned the ISO image to the disk…the CD burned successfully and I can’t think of any reason my computer wouldn’t recognize the CD, as this is the same way I installed Kubuntu. Did I download the wrong version for install? Sorry if this is a stupid question, I’m just not sure if I downloaded the wrong copy or if my DVD was defective for some reason, and I figured I’d ask before I wasted another DVD doing the same thing wrong.

  • SG2Tiger,

check the DVD content from a running OS. What do you see? One file? Many files?


On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 18:26:02 +0000, SG2Tiger wrote for a reply:

> I’m a Kubuntu user looking to switch to OpenSuSE, so I downloaded it and
> burned it to a DVD…but now, I can’t get my computer to boot from it.
> When I go to boot off of the CD, it brings up a black screen that tells
> me ‘no operating system found’. I can’t imagine what I could have done
> wrong; I downloaded the 4.7 GB DVD 32-bit via BitTorrent…the CD burned
> successfully and I can’t think of any reason my computer wouldn’t
> recognize the CD, as this is the same way I installed Kubuntu. Did I
> download the wrong version for install? Sorry if this is a stupid
> question, I’m just not sure if I downloaded the wrong copy or if my DVD
> was defective for some reason, and I figured I’d ask before I wasted
> another DVD doing the same thing wrong.

Did you burn a DVD image or did you burn a data DVD?

You need to burn a DVD image from the download *.iso file.

Sometimes the DVD image especially from torrents are bad copies, that is
too large for a 4.7Gb DVD, too small, or messed up.

Once you downloaded the image (*.iso) you should run a md5sum on the
image and compare it to the official md5sum strings listed on the
OpenSuSe download page.


md5sum your.iso

Try using an OpenSuse mirror like for a download instead of

I burned the ISO image, it’s not a data CD. The file may have been too large for the DVD, or corrupted. I was able to blank the DVD (rewritable) and instead downloaded the KDE Live CD from one of the mirrors, and that seems to have worked. I’m now able to boot from the CD and have install and live CD options.

I still have a problem with this trying the live CD, though…before going to the desktop, it asks me for ‘linux login’ and…I don’t know what it wants me to type there. I’ve never run off a live CD before, but I mean, I don’t have a login for it, so what does it expect me to type there? I’m confused.

Is this a graphical login screen? Isn’t there an account listed to the left of the text entry fields that you can just double-click?

When I start the CD, it takes me to the screen with the options to load from the CD, install, etc:

When I select the first option it takes me to a textual output screen while it loads and configures, that looks like this:

After that it takes me back to a graphical screen with the SuSE logo and a loading bar, but then instead of taking me to a graphical login screen or the desktop, it goes back to the text output and says:

linux login:

No matter what I type there, it spits this back at me:

Welcome to openSUSE 11.2 “Emerald” - Kernel (tty1).

Then I stopped typing and let it sit idle for a moment and it gave me:

linux login: /usr/sbin/stop_preload: line 4: /usr/bin/killsll: Input/output error

In any case, there is no graphical login screen nor a redirect to the desktop. I can’t get past this ‘linux login’ business (in the second photo above, that’s what the last line on the screen is). So I don’t know what I’m doing wrong or why I can’t boot from the CD…

You have booted from the CD. The issue seems to be with starting X11. Normally, you shouldn’t even see any login screen at all (neither graphical or console) when booting from the live CD and just be logged in automatically to a KDE session. But for some reason (likely hardware/drivers issues), that does not seem to happen.

In any case, the login name for the live CD is “linux” with no password required. You can try that of course, but I guess you will just end up with console prompts after that. Maybe, just maybe, the command “startx” after having logged in will successfully start KDE, but I doubt it.

What is the video hardware? ATI cards is a Known problem.

Me too… Had to download the Live DVD 3 times and burned 4 DVD’s before I could install it without errors.

Now im glade I have a workin copy :stuck_out_tongue:

Sometimes it still give problems on the repos…

I think maybe the ISO that I downloaded was broken in the first place. I tried redownloading it and burning a new copy, and that worked the way it was supposed to. I’m guessing the download just got corrupted the first time around.