Can't add official repo

Hi! I’m using YaST2 to add the repository, but it keeps failing with the error:

Unable to create repository from URL Does anyone know why this is happening? This URL is from the official documentation.

When I click on that URL, it does not exist.

Maybe you better explain what you need, so people can help you with that. Remember:

A repo URL can always be explored using a web browser,
It appears that this URL contains repos and downloadable ISOs to install various Factory packages.

This part of the URL works… Open it in a web browser and explore…


I got this URL from

I’m trying to install Tilix.

Factory is NOT Tumbleweed…?

The version of tilix in Tumbleweed is 1.9.3 at present… if you have the standard Tumblweed repositories then just zypper in tilix

Can you elabore on “Factory is not Tumbleweed”?

I understand that I’m using the rolling release version of Open SUSE - does that mean I can’t add Leap repos?

That’s the output of zypper lr:

1 | openSUSE-20201125-0 | openSUSE-20201125-0 | No | ---- | ----
2 | repo-debug | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Debug | No | ---- | ----
3 | repo-non-oss | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Non-Oss | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
4 | repo-oss | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Oss | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
5 | repo-source | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Source | No | ---- | ----
6 | repo-update | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Update | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes

You number 4 repository is the correct one for tilix.

No, Tumbleweed only, no Leap repositories at all… just the ones you have (and packman Tumbleweed if want codecs).