Cannot run winetricks as non-root

When I try to run winetricks as a normal user I get

/usr/bin/winetricks: line 2201: /tmp/early_wine.err.txt: Permission denied

wine cmd.exe /c echo ‘%ProgramFiles%’ returned empty string, error message ‘’

arkonix@my-linux:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Underrail Alpha> winetricks
/usr/bin/winetricks: line 2201: /tmp/early_wine.err.txt: Permission denied

wine cmd.exe /c echo ‘%ProgramFiles%’ returned empty string, error message ‘’

This does not happen when I run it as root.

Wine version is 1.7.28 and openSUSE 13.1 x64

Right. When you ran it as root, it created files in /tmp (owned by root) which it now cannot overwrite as user.
So remove that file:

sudo rm /tmp/early_wine.err.txt

You should not run wine as root anyway. This is not Windows. You do not need root rights for anything wine-related, not even for installing Windows programs.

You got it totally right. First time I ran it as root by mistake as I forgot I was logged as super user (normally I use sudo). Altough I thought this problem is related to that and deleted .wine dir in /root it did not occur to me that also this file needs to be deleted.