Cannot log into Bugzilla, can into obs and the forum

So I have had this situation for quite a bit. I wrote an email in June the answer was to ask for a change of password in idp-suse. I did several times, still impossible. The error message in bugzilla says “There is already an account with the login name -my mail-”.

Don’t know what to do. Is it possible to erase every account connected to that email so I can start from scratch with the same email? I did ask to but never got an answer.

I am not sure that this is the best category to post this. I guess people here talk all sorts over a beer.

Although this is not really direct about the forums, I nevertheless will move it to Forums Feedback. The best chance that a more Administrative person sees it.

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I wrote an email do, let’s see what happens

I create a new account for everything. You can close this topic.