Cannot get Oracle virtual box to setup on OpenSuSE 13.1

The Oracle virtual box program 4.3.6_91406_openSUSE123.1 will not setup correctly. When executing /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup from the root terminal, the failure message is:
Trying to register the VirtualBox kernel modules using DKMSError! echo
Your kernel headers for kernel 3.11.6-4-desktop cannot be found at
/lib/modules/3.11.6-4-desktop/build or /lib/modules/3.11.6-4-desktop/source.

There are no folders for build or source under /lib/modules/3.11.6-4-desktop.

I was able to get the virtual machine running under openSUSE 12.2.

Thank you in advance.

You need the package kernel-desktop-devel I think.

Or just install the virtualbox, virtualbox-qt and virtualbox-host-kmp-desktop packages included in openSUSE (uninstall VirtualBox from Oracle first). Those contain a precompiled kernel module which should just work out-of-the-box.

Thank you for the help. The install of the development files did the trick.