Trying to install Oracle’s Java on openSUSE 13.1 (64bit) with KDE desktop and Firefox browser. I think I am losing the plot here.
I have un-installed IcedTea-Web and then followed Oracle’s site instructions for installing Java which ran OK.
There are additional instructions for installing the plugin but here I am stuck. First I cannot find a plugin directory anywhere which is related to Firefox so I cannot edit the link referred to in to instructions. Now using Dolphin to try and find the file it is not found. I think I have searched from root down but no luck. I say think I have searched because, unfortunately, the format of Dolphin has been changed and the old search screen no longer appears.
I believe I installed the Oracle Java plugin to Firefox by going to the .mozilla/plugins folder.
Right clicking in the folder.
Selecting Create New > Basic link to file or directory.
Clicked the open file dialog button to the right of the “Enter path of file or directory” field.
Navigated to /usr/java/default/lib/amd64/libnpjp2. and clicked OK.
The filename was entered when I clicked OK.
Hi and many thanks. Seems sensible but I fall at first fence as there is no .mozilla/plugins folder on my system so I have no idea where firefox looks for the file or a link. I could try creating a plugins directory and putting in the link. It might work as I believe Firefox looks in several places for the plugins.
OTOH I do have in the same place as you. (Why in amd64 directory I wonder, this machine is Intel based?)
What worries me why I could not use Dolphin “Find” to find the said file.
Thanks for the reply. Will let you know how I get on.
If a plugin isn’t available and if you don’t mind installing the browser plugin by installing the Oracle SE JDK 7 (version 8 was released only about a month or so ago)
I wrote a series of simple scripts that install Oracle SE JDK 7 in less than a minute, including browser plugin (but isn’t automatically enabled). I made various improvements including enabling Oracle Java to be installed side by side with openJDK on your system (original SDB doesn’t do this)
After installation, make sure you run the following to configure which Java you want on your system.
On 2014-08-20 15:56, Budgie2 wrote:
> Trying to install Oracle’s Java on openSUSE 13.1 (64bit) with KDE
> desktop and Firefox browser. I think I am losing the plot here.
> I have un-installed IcedTea-Web and then followed Oracle’s site
> instructions for installing Java which ran OK.
It is quite simple, really.
First is not remove icedtea or whatever java flavour you get as default,
because YaST/zypper/apper/etc will not recognize the oracle java as
valid. Applications will, but not the packagers; yast will want to
remove applications that need java because it /thinks/ there is no java
Then you just install the oracle java rpm, and tell
update-alternatives about it.
(that is, you get two javas, one official, the other from oracle, and
use “update-alternatives” which to use in fact).
Hi Rafter22, Robin and Tsu2,
Many thanks. I had already succeeded in getting the Oracle Java Plugin to work thanks to rafter22’s suggestion as he made it possible for me to find the file and all I had to do then was create plugins directory. I had already un-installed IcedTea. I will now start over and use update-alternatives. Thanks to all for bringing this to my attention.
Meanwhile I still have two problems:-
First, trying to use web configuration tool on netgear switch. With the Oracle Java I now get “Application Blocked by Security Settings.” Have tried making the device an exception in the Java/Javascript security settings but these present very limited options compared with Java from the dark side. Any ideas what settings I should be changing?
Second problem, why could I not find the necessary file using the find button in Dolphin, even when starting from root directory?
Sorry! I install multiple versions of Firefox for testing and the .mozilla/plugins folder is for my manually installed Beta and Nightly versions.
For the 64-bit openSUSE build of Firefox 31.0 I have installed, the plugins are in usr/lib64/browser-plugins. That would be usr/lib/browser-plugins for the 32-bit Firefox.
Unless someone fixed the official SDB, it stomps all over other Java so update-alternatives won’t work.
Use my scripts to install Oracle JDK 7 side by side with openJDK and you can still switch between the two.
Explanation is in the Discussion notes to the SDB and the main page of my scripts.
Hi and many thanks for the info which is correct here too, makes sense but I hadn’t worked it out for myself!!!
Having found the plugins I am still in difficulty with security blocking what I want to do. Will try Tsu’s scripts to set up both Javas. At present I have both installed but no choice as to which runs.
Hi Tsu,
Been busy on other things but now must sort this out. I have your scripts but not sure where to put them or how to get them to run. I assume to be run as su but still no luck. Could you help please. Sorry to be dumb but cannot figure it yet.
Intel came out with a 64-bit architecture, which was not well received. AMD came out with its own 64-bit architecture which was widely welcomed. My understanding is that 64-bit processors from Intel are actually based on the AMD design, which has been licensed to Intel. Some people like to use “amd64” rather than “x86_64” because of this.
My history is probably a bit shaky, but I think that’s why Oracle is using the “amd64” name. Hmm, Oracle bought Sun, and Sun/Solaris was an early adopter of AMD 64-bit technology.