Cannot connect to my just setup opensuse server from my MBP using ssh


I just installed OpenSuse Tumbleweed. I setup the network interfaces in YasT firewall to accept ssh and opened port 22. I had to manually add the interface as it wasnt there by default. The only interface that was there by default was docker.

I checked that the sshd service is running. I am able to access the internet from my server.

Since i was not able to ssh, i tried to first ping the opensuse server from my MBP. I am unable to. Traceroute shows no route to host. Any help is appreciated.

I can provide more details.

What is MBP?

You need to open port 22 in the zone that is assigned to your interface. Show output of

firewall-cmd --get-active-zones
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MBP = Mac Book Pro.

Resolved this by just restarting my router.

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