Can not restart system

I’m a newbie to Linux. Yesterday I installed openSuse from the DVD I purchased through Novell. I read the manual prior to installing at least four times. Here is the problem. I have an HP Pavilion laptop that I went ahead and allowed the installation to remove the Windows partition and take up the entire hard drive. It appeared to have worked successfully. I was able to play around with the desktop and review/navigate other folders and items. I went to restart the system to see if the wireless networks would work. However it reboots to just a black screen. What do I need to do? Any and all help is appreciated.

does the computer do anything, while the screen was black?
how long did you wait, until you killed the computer?

The computer doesn’t do anything just sit there. Reminds me of blue screen of death in windows. I waited about 30 minutes before I killed the computer…that was last night. This morning I came in hoping it was different but no changes. So I inserted the DVD and it responded at least. I chose Repair Install but I haven’t done anything else because I want to make sure I do the right thing.

repair the system, if the system doesn’t work right after the installation, there is not much you can do wrong.

If it doesn’t work, format the disk and install it again

I started the repair and it gave me a warning:
Cannot access installation media (Medium 1) URL
What does this mean?

I really hope that wasn’t copied and pasted

opensuse is spelled wrong…that may #1

Do you have internet access? Protected only?

When you start the computer, does it at least
get to the Boot Loader screen? Green w/ a
couple of options?

Any chance this is a monitor issue?
Sorry just had to ask…

Likely a monitor issue
boot to runlevel 3
login as root

sax2 -r -m 0=vesa


How am I supposed to do that? The only thing I see is a black screen. When the DVD was in it was fine…except I couldn’t get to the internet because neither of the wireless devices worked.

When I turn on the computer, it gives the HP boot screen then directly to a black screen.

Do you mean HP boot screen OR HP BIOS screen??

Run the installer from the DVD again
follow this guide on this page

Step 1 for openSUSE 11.0 - Assisted Boot into openSUSE: Insert Suse’s installation CD/DVD and reboot the computer. On the boot screen choose to “Repair Installed System”. Wait for three choices and select “Expert Tools”. Then click option “Install New Boot Loader”. Select the partition where you installed Suse (if asked). You’ll get the Grub GUI setup screen. Check under the Tab “Boot Loader Installation” that the checkmark is in “Boot from Master Boot Record” and remove any other checkmarks. Click “Finish”. Wait for message “The boot loader was installed successfully”. Click OK –> Next –> Finish. Ignore any error messages and reboot. That should install an elementary Grub and allow you to boot to openSUSE. So do that and it will take you to step 2
Then go to Step 2 and 3

Thank you very much…I have been able to successfully get back into the system. I did notice that it now has three options for logging in. OpenSuse, Failsafe and Kernel…can I delete the others or just leave them alone?

Do you have any step by step instructions for getting a Linksys notebook adapter working? WPC300N V1. Please keep in mind I’m totally new to the Linux openSuse concepts.

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I’d just leave the other options alone, especially if it is already
defaulting to boot properly. You CAN change these… Yast: System or
something: Boot Loader, or you can directly modify (but shouldn’t)
/boot/grub/menu.lst . Still, I’d just leave it alone unless it’s to
just decrease the time it waits before booting normally.

On the other issue, I’m not sure. Google find anything?

Good luck.

Oneimus wrote:
> Thank you very much…I have been able to successfully get back into the
> system. I did notice that it now has three options for logging in.
> OpenSuse, Failsafe and Kernel…can I delete the others or just leave
> them alone?
> Do you have any step by step instructions for getting a Linksys
> notebook adapter working? WPC300N V1. Please keep in mind I’m totally
> new to the Linux openSuse concepts.
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I would start a new thread in the Wireless section. Your device is not listed here: HCL/Network Adapters (Wireless - openSUSE

Open a terminal ad go su, then do


copy your wireless device info in the new thread

also do


there should be more info (probably near the end) post that too.

also help here: Welcome - openSUSE Forums

i get nothing, just the black screen no post nothing just monitor (which is fine) light flashing, can not boot with the dvd because bios is set to boot off the first hdd, please help

Use F1 or maybe del or other button to access bios to change boot priority. The bios boot screen usually tells you which button, but you have to be quick.

no still nothing just black, just custom beep and black as darkest africa

You said:

can not boot with the dvd because bios is set to boot off the first hdd, please help

So have you been able to set the BIOS to boot from the cd/dvd drive??

You don’t have cd/dvd in the drive whilst trying to get to this BIOS do you.!!