Can Linux 'map' a network drive?

Complete noob to Linux.

Can/ how (step by step please) can I map a network drive with my Suse 11.0 with a windows server?

In Linux you can mount a Windows share using SAMBA

I’m new to SUSE but I think the command would be something like

mount -t smbfs servername:/sharename /mnt/sharename

If the Windows box requires a username/password you should use

mount -t smbfs -o username <your user name> password <your password> //servername/sharename  /mnt/sharename

Hope that helps

You can’t use either of the suggestions from sdibias. openSUSE changed from using the smbfs filesystem to using the newer cifs filesystem for mapping drives. There’s a bit of a burst on that here:

Samba: HowTo Mount a CIFS Network Share [AKA Map Network Drive] in openSUSE 10 & 11 plus FAQs

The temporary mapping that sdibias suggested is now almost the same, but a tad different:

mount -t cifs -o username=<your user name>,password=<your password> //servername/sharename /mnt/sharename

You can make permanent mappings too, just as in windows. Check the Tutorial for options, tips, FAQs

DOH I remember that now, thanks for that :slight_smile:

OK, I followed that line exactly after

I did the following

mkdir /mnt/snuffy_d
mount /mnt/snuffy_d
Got the error message : mount: can’t find /mnt/snuffy_d in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

Just for giggles I then put

mount -t cifs -o username=jmariscal,password=XXXXXX //snuffy/d$ /mnt/snuffy_d

and got;

mount error: cifs filesystem not supported by the system
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page ( mount.cifs)

Please help.

1: Check that the mounting software (RPM cifs-mount) is installed - enter this command in a console: rpm -q cifs-mount.
You should see something like “cifs-mount-3.2.3-0.1.128”. Do you see that?

2: are you using Gnome desktop, KDE4 or KDE 3.5?

This is what I am getting;

~> rpm -q cifs-mount

Any help guys?

Does mounting a cifs drive require a kernel module? I just checked on my machine, and there is a cifs module; there may be more. Or it may be unneeded. Anyway, something to check, since you are seeing an error that the system doesn’t support it.