Can I run .exe file in Linux?

Hi all,

I have OpenSuse 12.3, KDE, and have a MATLAB that I used to run in Windows. So, I only have the installation file as .exe. Can this run in Linux?

Thank you,

If you can, prepend the .exe with wine:


wine /path/to/matlab-install.exe

Also, Google found several Matlab installs for Linux. Any reason you do
not use hose instead?

Good luck.

Matlab is available for linux but you wont find it in any repository as it is a paid for proprietary piece of software.
You would need to contact a reseller about purchasing.
Stated supported systems are Red Hat 6.x, Ubuntu 12.x, Suse Enterprise 11.x and Debian 6.x

Because it supports Suse Linux Enterprise it may run in openSUSE without too much hassle.

edit: btw - there are free linux alternatives. Can’t comment on how good they are though.

here’s some free Linux alternatives.
You’d have to try them out and see if they do what you want.




Wine will run many windows applications these days. You can also install Q4Wine which can be found by entering the name in the search field of the links that have just been posted but I think is part of the 12.3 repo now… It extends wine by providing a panel to allow windows app’s to be launched in a manner that fits in well with desktop use. It also allows “the windows application’s window size” to be easily specified on a per application basis.

Probably the best way to get things up and running is to install wine, then Q4Wine and then run the Windows application install package. Just launch it from where ever it happens to be. You may have to right click and select open with Q4Wine. This should give you the correct directory structure. I haven’t set this up on 12.3 yet but from memory on 11.4 a .wine directory is added off the users home directory and installed applications are placed in sub directories off that. The directory structure is the same as it would be for windows. Data files can be stored anywhere though and click launched just like any pure linux application.

You can also just place an exe file somewhere and create a desktop icon to it in the Q4Wine panel in much the same way as you would create an ordinary desktop icon. Q4Wine comes with a windows explorer look alike though which can be useful at times as it presents the directories as they would appear in windows C drive and it’s directories etc or any others that you have created. If you haven’t got the install file you could simply install some free windows app to get the directory structure.

The WineHQ site and it’s forum is likely to be the best place to sort out any problems you have with an installation not working correctly. As with many linux applications there is a lot of dated information available for wine that is no longer applicable. This even seems to relate to WineTricks that should install a lot of windows DLL’s that may or may not be needed. When I tried it was no longer being maintained. The Wine dev’s basically keep creating code to replace these rather than trying to use them.


Winetricks is still actively maintained. winetricks - Package and settings manager for Wine - Google Project Hosting

You may be thinking of Wine-Doors.

Thanks. It seems to have changed a little from last time I tried to use it. The basic aim seemed to be a script to just add a number of windows dll’s that are often/may be needed. When I tried to use it the source of these dll’s wasn’t there any more. As I own a valid XP release I removed all dll’s from that and added the C etc distributables as well to try and get an application to work but all to no avail as wine by default seems to use it’s built in equivalents. The problem there is that wine may have the dll built in but not the particular linkage that some applications may use. Maybe some aspects of winetricks helps with that but I get the impression that many improvements are game orientated. My experience of wine relates almost entirely to use of a free optical design program called oslo edu and an earlier more capable free version of olsolt.
