Printers sold in Mexico are few and seem to have different model numbers than elsewhere. I have looked at Printer List | OpenPrinting - The Linux Foundation for Xerox and Kyocera but found none with a number that’s available here. I favour A Xerox 3020 but only a 3010 is listed. The other choice might be a Kyocera 1102Y82UX0 or MA2000. Does anyone have any experience with any of these? Please don’t suggest H-P. I have had problems with two so far. Or perhaps it’s because models that fail are sent to second second class markets.
I have a HP P1102w (wireless mode, but has ethernet) Laser for many years (2018), I think I’m on my 4th cartridge (about $70), never missed a beat aside from having to update the plugin. Never connected to HP for it’s use…