Build Your Own Geeko

On 2009-06-10 14:16:09 -0400, kgroneman
<> said:

> [image:
> ‘DO IT HERE’ (

That’s a lot of fun!

Keith Kastorff

Too much fun indeed !!](
… and one can even make Freudian deductions from the greko’s posted. In my case, there is vacation and fun very much on my mind , with a back drop of h-itech behind … :slight_smile:

> ‘DO IT HERE’ (

i guess the geeko builder is not tied into the Novell log in gizmo, huh?

so, one sign in does not actually work everywhere…


On 2009-06-14 17:25:03 -0400, natural_pilot
<> said:

> so, one sign in does not actually work everywhere…

Seems so. I was surprised when my Novell creditials failed. “Works at
most sites, but you won’t know which ones until you try” isn’t really
that useful.

Keith Kastorff

There’s a new version of the geeko builder available with more options.

probe 79 wrote:
> There’s a new version of the geeko builder available with more options.
does it still require a separate sign in?


> does it still require a separate sign in?

let me answer my own question:

YES, you still must have an additional Novell/openSUSE account and
password to get into this Novell site…

and, another question or three (and answer):

Q 1: Is it true that the User Name and Password blanks MUST be
manually typed in letter by letter (in Firefox 3.0.1 running in KDE3
on openSUSE 10.3) because the blanks will NOT accept a paste in?

A. Unbelievably, YES…the user is forced to manually type in the data.

Q 2: Is there a notice that no matter how much time you take designing
the ‘perfect’ Geeko you will NOT be able to download it until you 1)
open another account with Novell AND 2) manually type in that user
name and password…

A. No, you learn that until AFTER you have done the design…

Q 3: Is this the level of Novell user friendliness we expect?

A. I guess we have to accept it, huh?

Q 4: If you do sign in, and come back later will you be ‘remembered’
(via a cookie) or will you be forced to manually enter your password
again, and again, and again?

A. [Can’t answer that one as I can’t sign in with my Novell password
and can NOT understand why this site won’t accept it.]

HELLO! is anyone at Novell listening, or just transmitting!! Did you
learn that way to treat users from your partner, M$ ?


if you wonder if i can get more abrasive, the answer is yes.
