Could I get detailed instructions on how enable btrfs auto defrag. Greatly appreciated
Edit /etc/sysconfig/btrfsmaintenance, set BTRFS_DEFRAG_* variables to suite your needs.
Is auto defag enable is tumbleweed could I get laymen’s terms of setting up?
If you do not read answers anyway, repeatedly asking the same question is not going to help.
This seems to be even a triple post. Will merge it.
To the OP: when you are not satisfied with an answer or want more explanation, then please explain that you read the documentation your are pointed to and the tell where you got stuck and need help.
Asking the same rather vague question again and again will not work.
from of btrfsmaintenance
Description: Run defragmentation on configured directories. This is for
convenience and not necessary as defragmentation needs are usually different
for various types of data.
I believe to remember that in previous versions it was even discouraged to run defrag.
Do you use defragmentation on a “normal” Desktop/Laptop?
Or what would you use as criteria to decide whether or not to run it and how often?
BTRFS is different. It i based on b trees. which need some maintenance to optimize operations such as rebalanceing the trees and defrag. Older FS did not normally need defrag but sometimes it would help if you pounded the system with lots of small files.