BSNL Broadband in India ??

Hi I am from India …
I have a Hp laptop with Realtek Ethernet CArd and OPen Suse 11…
I am not able to connect to the internet via ADSL Modem …
However i am able to connect to net thru Fedora 8 (on desktop) , suse 10.3( previously in laptop) and ubuntu quite easily . . . i am quite puzzled that i am not able to surf even though i have given the same settings as i had in suse 10.3 . . . i am a novice . . . can somebody help me ? . . it always shows as network disconnected eveytime i try to connect . . .>:(>:(

Go to yast - network devices - network settings
configure your card in there
it should be eth0 if it’s the only eth device you have
highlight - edit
default dhcp should work

yes thank you . . . i changed it to automatic dchp . . . it works now . . . thanks a lot. . .rotfl!rotfl!

ur welcome