I have installed fresh tumbleweed today (had leap 15 before) and I have problem with ugly looking fonts.
I tried to tweak it via system settings, but still can’t achieve better result. Interesting is that this problem
persists after rebooting to Win10, so I suppose it is something with AMDGPU driver and GC settings.
Any idea how to solve it? Thanx
You might get smoother fonts by enabling subpixel rendering.
This link might be helpful although I don’t think you need to install the New Libraries from namtrac any more to have it enabled properly.
I made some screenshots to upload here and I found that screenshots look well in Windows but are broken when displayed in Tumbleweed.
So it seems is is not problem of fonts but graphics processing.
One thing I set in the kernel options is amdgpu.dc=0 (Display Core Driver) to disable, but that maybe a red herring since I have two gpu’s in the laptop connected over hdmi.
What about the xorg log, do you see anything in there, also check the boot log for possible errors;
Xorg.log looks good I thing, no WW or EEs there, but there is this in dmesg log:
3.290470] amdgpu: [powerplay] Failed to retrieve minimum clocks.
3.290471] amdgpu: [powerplay] Error in phm_get_clock_info
I found it mentioned here - https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=108260
Interesting is I have another PC with Tumbleweed (updated, no tweaks), RX 560, same monitor type, same error in log, but image is OK there.
The problem with subpixel rendering is that not all fonts require the same setting. Some look best without. Some need full. Some light. It’s just not an easy job to find the right settings.