Breeze is just a theme -- maybe not

The reason the single word represents so much to me is because when I "zypper dup"ed and breeze installed, I reinstalled 20150508-Tumbleweed and '"zypper al breeze"ed before I updated. So really I am playing wiith zypper to see how far I can push things. You can think of this post as someone who is sharing what he learned about zypper, rather that one who is knocking breeze. So if I want to see what packages cannot be installed without breeze I can run the following command.

linux-lo2y:~ # zypper se -s --requires --repo openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Oss breeze | grep -v i586
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name                          | Type    | Version      | Arch   | Repository             
  | breeze                        | package | 5.3.1-1.1    | x86_64 | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Oss
  | breeze5-style-lang            | package | 5.3.1-1.1    | noarch | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Oss
  | kwin5                         | package | 5.3.1-2.1    | x86_64 | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Oss
  | package-lists-openSUSE-KDE-cd | package | 11.4-684.1   | x86_64 | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Oss
  | package-lists-openSUSE-images | package | 11.4-790.1   | x86_64 | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Oss
  | patterns-openSUSE-kde_plasma  | package | 20150603-1.2 | x86_64 | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Oss
  | plasma5-session               | package | 5.3.1-1.1    | noarch | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Oss
  | plasma5-workspace             | package | 5.3.1-2.1    | x86_64 | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Oss
  | sddm                          | package | 0.11.0-4.1   | x86_64 | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Oss
linux-lo2y:~ # 

All these programs are what I am really referring to when I say I locked breeze out. By doing that, I also locked out plasma5-workspace. If I don’t accept the breeze package, this is a list of packages I also don’t get. And my point is, this adds up to more than just a theme, doesn’t it? And also to point out that this is the way package dependencies work; you block one package, you also block any package that depends on it.

My desire is for a cpu that stays cool, and barely gets used, with lots of reserve power not for eye candy but for heavy duty operations like compiling large programs or video editing or maybe having 100 tabs open in my browser if I want. I want a desktop that is as light as possible and I am worried that Plasma 5.3 possibly is a step in the opposite direction from LXDE.

So breeze is number one of the things I locked out and I am just going to see if it works in the long run. Spoiler, it probably won’t. What I think will happen is one of two things 1) my system will get hosed when Tumbleweed updates something incompatible with it, or 2) the updates will stop. Unless I allow an update to a current version of KDE.

Most of you will probably be able to read between the lines and discover that I just like pine-green alot.:slight_smile:

But “all these programs” are not “breeze”. Those are Plasma5, the desktop, which uses Breeze as default theme/style.

And actually it’s the other way round. Not breeze pulls in Plasma5, but Plasma5 pulls in Breeze (because it’s the default theme/style). Just like KDE4 pulls in oxygen.
As you’ve been told already, you can configure the theme/style to something else, no need to “lock out breeze”.

But apparently it’s actually Plasma5 you don’t like to have.

Well, as you’ve been told already as well, it might be easier to just use 13.2 then and install a newer kernel by adding the Kernel:stable repo if you want that. If you want other things in the latest version, there would be other repos as well.

By doing that, I also locked out plasma5-workspace. If I don’t accept the breeze package, this is a list of packages I also don’t get. And my point is, this adds up to more than just a theme, doesn’t it? And also to point out that this is the way package dependencies work; you block one package, you also block any package that depends on it.

Yes. But as written above, it’s not breeze that pulls in the other packages. It’s the other packages that pull in breeze.
And the other packages are set to replace the KDE4 packages, and are specified in the default patterns, so zypper wants to install them (and breeze).
Of course if you lock breeze, the others cannot be installed as well. But you could just as well lock other packages like plasma5-session (I don’t have the whole dependency chain in my head at the moment, so I’m not sure if that alone would prevent any of those packages to be installed, but there definitely would be another option).

My desire is for a cpu that stays cool, and barely gets used, with lots of reserve power not for eye candy but for heavy duty operations like compiling large programs or video editing or maybe having 100 tabs open in my browser if I want. I want a desktop that is as light as possible and I am worried that Plasma 5.3 possibly is a step in the opposite direction from LXDE.

Actually with a decent graphics card/driver your CPU should stay cool, and probably even cooler than with other desktops because of the more common use of OpenGL.
OTOH, you can disable all graphics effects just as in KDE4.
Actually, Plasma5 doesn’t really use more resources than KDE4 (maybe even less), except for RAM but that’s being worked at.

There is a known problem with the system monitor plasmoids using a lot of CPU, but that’s being worked on I think, and they are not part of the desktop by default anyway.

So breeze is number one of the things I locked out and I am just going to see if it works in the long run. Spoiler, it probably won’t. What I think will happen is one of two things 1) my system will get hosed when Tumbleweed updates something incompatible with it, or 2) the updates will stop. Unless I allow an update to a current version of KDE.

The main problem in the future will probably be that KDE4 will be dropped at some point.
At least KDE4 applications have been and will continue to be replaced by their KF5 based versions (and no, you cannot prevent that by locking breeze, you’d have to lock each application separately, or maybe lock some libKF5 packages). The desktop itself will probably stay longer (but without addon packages like plasma-addons), because kdm is one part of it and sddm just cannot replace that yet because of missing features.

But in the end, you can do whatever you like.
Just don’t advertise the things you do as the “one and only solution” to a problem that doesn’t even exist.

I guess what I am saying is I don’t currently have plasma5-session of plasma5-workspace from Plasma 5.3 on my system and even though they are not explicitly locked out. zypper addlock breeze accomplished this.

I am focusing on only how dependencies work in zypper. In this context it does not matter which is pulling in which.

On the other hand if we do talk about the theme, I would not know which font I would want to go back to once it had been replaced.

Originally, I did do this:
zypper addlock libKF5* libQt5*

Then I switched to an application by application basis. So if a program like kwrite of konsole stops working correctly, I roll that one back by itself.

stephen@linux-lo2y:~> zypper ll
#  | Name                                | Type    | Repository                                         
1  | breeze                              | package | (any)                                              
2  | kcm_touchpad                        | package | (any)                                              
3  | kwrite                              | package | (any)                                              
4  | kate                                | package | (any)                                              
5  | konsole                             | package | (any)                                              
6  | ark                                 | package | (any)                                              
7  | kgpg                                | package | (any)                                              
8  | MozillaFirefox                      | package | (any)                                              
9  | xorg-x11-Xvnc                       | package | (any)                                              
10 | myspell-american                    | package | (any)                                              
11 | patterns-openSUSE-kde_*             | package | (any)                                              
12 | patterns-openSUSE-sw_management_kde | package | (any)                                              
13 | kmix                                | package | (any)                                              
14 | k3b                                 | package | (any)                                              
15 | kile                                | package | (any)                                              

But this thread is meant to focus on the first item in the list. I might discuss my problems with the kwrite and konsole updates on a different thread.

RAM is not a problem for me with 8 Gig and 8 Gig of swap space. I have a nice powerful cpu, but I want to reserve as much of that power for the apps and as little for the OP as I can.

Point taken though that I do have libQt5 and libKF5 5.4 and 5.10 packages on my system and everything is running great with problems cropping up only on an app by app basis.

I am only saying that not having plasma5-workspace and plasma5-session seems also to be working out. And that ‘breeze’ has a special connotation to me because of the way I used it to block the other packages. Other packages that came with it, or it came with them, or they came at the same time. It seems that it still is a chain of package dependencies that act as a group anyway.

It seems in this case that there is a long list of packages that pull breeze in and they all get locked out if breeze is lock out. zypper does not even complain, it just says ‘nothing to do’.

But then your rolling distribution has stopped rolling.

You should probably revert to 13.2.

Pretty much; and yet I still have the libKF5’s supporting the newer versions of the apps. I was forced to admit that, wasn’t I?

The attempt was unsuccessful, but it was to roll things back to Tumbleweed prior to 16 March 2015. That makes it much more updated than 13.2.
The original install is openSUSE-20150508-0.

But let this thread really be a lesson on the meaning of --requires in ‘zypper se’ as in:
zypper se --requires breeze.

This resulted in a list of packages that would install the package breeze if you tried to install them.

So: (zypper rl breeze; zypper in plasma5-workspace) would also install breeze.

zypper is an impressive tool. It is fun to study zypper.

Let’s bring this thread full circle back to where is started

zypper se -s --requires --repo openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Oss breeze | grep -v i586

Yes, because they require breeze as I already wrote, as breeze is Plasma5’s default theme/style.

I am focusing on only how dependencies work in zypper. In this context it does not matter which is pulling in which.

Of course it does matter.
Especially if you are focusing on how dependencies work in zypper… :wink:

On the other hand if we do talk about the theme, I would not know which font I would want to go back to once it had been replaced.

The font is absolutely unrelated to the theme/style and breeze in general.
Plasma5’s default font is Oxygen, whereas it was just the general “Sans Serif” (which could be anything depending on what fonts you have installed) in KDE4.
Just click on “Defaults” in KDE4’s font settings to get back the default settings…

Then I switched to an application by application basis. So if a program like kwrite of konsole stops working correctly, I roll that one back by itself.

And how do you “roll it back”?
The KDE4 versions are not available any more (in Tumbleweed, that is).

stephen@linux-lo2y:~> zypper ll
#  | Name                                | Type    | Repository                                         
1  | breeze                              | package | (any)                                              
2  | kcm_touchpad                        | package | (any)                                              
3  | kwrite                              | package | (any)                                              
4  | kate                                | package | (any)                                              
5  | konsole                             | package | (any)                                              
6  | ark                                 | package | (any)                                              
7  | kgpg                                | package | (any)                                              
8  | MozillaFirefox                      | package | (any)                                              
9  | xorg-x11-Xvnc                       | package | (any)                                              
10 | myspell-american                    | package | (any)                                              
11 | patterns-openSUSE-kde_*             | package | (any)                                              
12 | patterns-openSUSE-sw_management_kde | package | (any)                                              
13 | kmix                                | package | (any)                                              
14 | k3b                                 | package | (any)                                              
15 | kile                                | package | (any)                                              

Why the locks for ark, k3b, kile, and kgpg? Those are not available as KF5 based versions anyway (yet).
And xorg-x11-Xvnc, myspell-american, and MozillaFirefox are totally unrelated to Plasma5/KF5 at all. Btw, I’d rather not lock xorg-x11-Xvnc. It definitely will break at some point, when xorg-x11-server is updated.

But this thread is meant to focus on the first item in the list. I might discuss my problems with the kwrite and konsole updates on a different thread.

I’m not seeing a point in this thread at all.
And I don’t see a point in you using Tumbleweed, if you don’t want to update your system any more.
Use 13.2 instead, you’d get security/bugfix updates then (and even the latest versions of software, by adding additional repos where you can choose yourself which packages/software is affected), and don’t have to fear of replacing you KDE4 desktop or applications by Plasma5 or KF5 based versions.

RAM is not a problem for me with 8 Gig and 8 Gig of swap space. I have a nice powerful cpu, but I want to reserve as much of that power for the apps and as little for the OP as I can.

Well, again, Plasma5 should not use much (or any) CPU at all.

Point taken though that I do have libQt5 and libKF5 5.4 and 5.10 packages on my system and everything is running great with problems cropping up only on an app by app basis.

Well, you do need libQt5 anyway, as YaST is using it. :wink:

I am only saying that not having plasma5-workspace and plasma5-session seems also to be working out.

Of course it is “working out”.
There are other desktops available, including KDE4 which is still in the repos and even gets updates still.

And as long as the underlying components don’t change too much, even old/obsoleted/unmaintained packages should still work. But that can break any time.

And that ‘breeze’ has a special connotation to me because of the way I used it to block the other packages. Other packages that came with it, or it came with them, or they came at the same time. It seems that it still is a chain of package dependencies that act as a group anyway.

Yes, because Plasma5 requires breeze.

It seems in this case that there is a long list of packages that pull breeze in and they all get locked out if breeze is lock out. zypper does not even complain, it just says ‘nothing to do’.

Right. Why should it complain if all dependencies are satisfied?

libKF5 is available on 13.2 as well. 13.2 only has KDE Applications 14.12.3 (with some updated to 15.04.1, like KDEPIM, Konqueror/Dolphin and kdelibs4).
There’s also a repo for the latest KDE Applications releases.

The attempt was unsuccessful, but it was to roll things back to Tumbleweed prior to 16 March 2015. That makes it much more updated than 13.2.
The original install is openSUSE-20150508-0.

What attempt was unsuccessful?
Downgrading to 13.2?
Well, downgrades are not really supported. And especially if you do them online in the running system with “zypper dup”, you might run into problems. But booting from a 13.2 installation medium and choosing “Upgrade” should work.

But why rolling back to Tumbleweed prior to 16 March 2015 if you locked breeze anyway?
And if you stay at “Tumbleweed prior to 16 March 2015”, i.e. you don’t update your system, there’s no need to lock anything at all anyway.

Just to avoid a possible misunderstanding: It doesn’t matter what TW snapshot you install. The repos are exactly the same, and get continuously updated. That’s what “rolling distribution” means.
Of course, if you install from a March 2015 installation DVD, you initially get the packages from March 2015 installed though.
But that is not downloadable anywhere AFAIK.

But let this thread really be a lesson on the meaning of --requires in ‘zypper se’ as in:
zypper se --requires breeze.

Yes, “zypper se --requires xxx” searches for all packages that require xxx. And “zypper info --requires xxx” would show all packages that are required by xxx:

zypper info --requires plasma5-session
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

Information for package plasma5-session:
Repository: home:wolfi323:branches:KDE:Frameworks5
Name: plasma5-session
Version: 5.3.1-83.1
Arch: noarch
Vendor: obs://
Installed: Yes
Status: up-to-date
Installed Size: 18.0 KiB
Summary: The KDE Session
  This package contains the startup scripts necessary to start a KDE
  session from kdm.
  plasma5-workspace >= 5.3.1
  libkscreen2-plugin >= 5.3.1
  plasma5-desktop >= 5.3.1
  breeze >= 5.3.1
  kwin5 >= 5.3.1
  polkit-kde-agent-5 >= 5.3.1
  powerdevil5 >= 5.3.1
  plasma-nm5 >= 5.3.1
  systemsettings5 >= 5.3.1
  breeze4-style >= 5.3.1
  khotkeys5 >= 5.3.1
  breeze5-decoration >= 5.3.1

You could probably lock any of those other requirements (plasma5-workspace would be a good candidate I suppose :wink: ) to reach the same goal.

This resulted in a list of packages that would install the package breeze if you tried to install them.

Yes. But again, your goal is not to prevent breeze from being installed, but rather Plasma5 it seems.
Regarding the subject: Breeze is just a theme. Not more, not less. But it happens to be Plasma5’s default theme, and that is reflected by the package dependencies. (the default theme should always be installed)

So: (zypper rl breeze; zypper in plasma5-workspace) would also install breeze.

Yes, because it requires breeze (the default theme), as I wrote.

Let’s bring this thread full circle back to where is started

zypper se -s --requires --repo openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Oss breeze | grep -v i586

And what’s the point for finding all 32bit packages in the Tumbleweed-Oss repo that require breeze?

My 2 cents:

  • If you want TW and you don’t want Plasma5, pick any of the other available desktop environments.
  • If you want TW and “the KDE experience”, accept Plasma5 as your new DE, accept the defaults during install.
    Extra cent: what you’re trying now is going to bork the stability of your system. Accept that there’s a lot of other stuff installed that may never ever be touched in your computer’s lifetime. But don’t break the defaults, not unless you know exactly what you’re doing.

I don’t like the Breeze theme very much either… This works for me - Your mileage will vary :wink:

All from the TW repos - Install:


Then setup as follows:

Desktop Theme - openSUSE
Cursor Theme - Oxygen
Colour Scheme - openSUSE
Icons - Oxygen
Widget Style - Oxygen
Window Decoration - Oxygen
Gnome Application Style - oxy-gtk

You can delay Plasma 5 — “you ain’t gonna stop it”

A few comments:

That’s the KDE4 theme. It won’t work with Plasma5.

The Plasma5 Oxygen theme is included in the package “plasma-framework”, so it’s not necessary to install anything extra.
And there are the openSUSE themes (light and dark) as alternative, which should be installed by default too.


This doesn’t work at all any more in Tumbleweed. Gtk3 dropped support for theming engines completely in 3.16.
There is another recent thread about this:

A breeze theme (CSS based) for Gtk3 is in the works, I have no idea about an oxygen theme though.

Btw, there is an easy way to switch the whole desktop from Breeze to Oxygen in the “Workspace Behavior”->“Look and Feel” systemsettings module.

Odd, I definitely had to install most of the Oxygen stuff… just checked back over zypper’s history, installed it a couple of days after the initial installation.

And there are the openSUSE themes (light and dark) as alternative, which should be installed by default too.

Now those were there… (does that make it even more odd?)

Gtk3 dropped support for theming engines completely in 3.16.
There is another recent thread about this:
Oxygen-GTK3 is broken? - Install/Boot/Login - openSUSE Forums

OK… Wasn’t aware of that.

Btw, there is an easy way to switch the whole desktop from Breeze to Oxygen in the “Workspace Behavior”->“Look and Feel” systemsettings module.

Doesn’t work on my machine, for some reason it hangs systemsettings5 and I have to Ctrl-Alt-Esc… I assumed it was a Plasma5 ‘work in progress’ thing.

Sorry for the mis-information :P…

But plasma-theme-oxygen is not necessary and actually useless for Plasma5.
Again, the Oxygen theme for Plasma5 is included in the package plasma-framework, which is required for Plasma5 in the first place.

Now those were there… (does that make it even more odd?)

Well, they haven’t been removed from the default patterns yet it seems.

Doesn’t work on my machine, for some reason it hangs systemsettings5 and I have to Ctrl-Alt-Esc… I assumed it was a Plasma5 ‘work in progress’ thing.

No, this actually should work fine since 5.0 or so. It does/did here.

Sorry for the mis-information :P…

Well, not everything was wrong… :wink:
I just wanted to comment on those things that don’t work/are not needed.

Basically the title to this thread is very funny and ironic. Of course breeze is a theme, we all know that. Some people like it and some people switched from it right away. But on Saturday 16 May, we all got the update and we all know what it looks like. It came with Plasma 5.3.

Now the difference is I over-reacted that day, re-installed my pny-usb-dvd-20150508-Tumbleweed-install system and guessed that if I locked out the package ‘breeze’ a large portion of the 16 May update would be blocked. Well, yes and no, a lot more did get blocked, but not everything…

From that day forward ‘breeze’ meant more to me than the theme, it meant the package and more that just the package, every other package that got locked out when I locked out breeze. The whole group of packages that got locked out when I locked out breeze is breeze to me. But breeze is just a theme. Hence the title is actually ironic. A little joke on myself.

Unfortunately, this thread has made me want to follow thru and actually do what this thread implies I tried to do.

Step 1) zypper dup --repo openSUSE-20150508-0

Because that repo is my original DVD install, this doesn’t update, it rolls back to the original install.

Step 2) Use the following addlocks:

linux-lo2y:/home/stephen # zypper ll
# | Name                                | Type    | Repository
1 | breeze                              | package | (any)     
2 | MozillaFirefox                      | package | (any)     
3 | patterns-openSUSE-kde_*             | package | (any)     
4 | patterns-openSUSE-sw_management_kde | package | (any)     
5 | libKF5*                             | package | (any)     
6 | libQt5*                             | package | (any)     
linux-lo2y:/home/stephen # 

Step 3) Add the update and oss repos from 13.2

Step 4) zypper up

VLC is not happy, that packman program is all in on the new libQt5. I probably need to include the 13.2 packman repo along with the 13.2 versions of oss and update for consistency.

What started out as an emotional reaction to losing my original distro after struggling for nearly three weeks (months?) to get it working properly (broadcom, hplip) has become just an exercise in learning what is and is not possible with zypper and the repos.

And my answer is and will always remain that for the time being, I am not ready to move to Plasma 5.3, but I do not want the standard 13.2 either.

I studied all the distros before choosing suse. In the process, I heard all the linux distro news. When linux kernel 4 came out, I decided to choose a distro like Arch that had it already.
In my mind I was choosing the most conservative distro I could that also already had the newest kernel as of April 2015.

Actually that would be a cool thread ‘Which distro that has the latest kernel 4 is the most stable’.

But again, the point is that if you don’t like breeze you don’t have to use breeze even if it is installed. Just configure a different theme, oxygen e.g., KDE4’s default.

Anyway, as I already wrote, feel free to do what you want. I’m not going to repeat everything I wrote already.

Step 2) Use the following addlocks:

linux-lo2y:/home/stephen # zypper ll
# | Name                                | Type    | Repository
6 | libQt5*                             | package | (any)     
linux-lo2y:/home/stephen # 

And why do you want to lock libQt5 now?
As I already mentioned YaST is based on Qt5 and requires it, on 13.2 already.

But Qt5 does not require breeze at all, nor does it force you to use Plasma5.

Step 3) Add the update and oss repos from 13.2

What? Why?
To keep all KDE4 applications?

You’re really trying to break your system…

Better use my repo with coninstallable Plasma5 packages. It contains the KDE4 applications that have been switched to KF5 already in Tumbleweed, and is available for Tumbleweed too.
If you give it a higher priority that the standard repos, zypper dup should keep the KDE4 versions of all applications.
It might still want to install Plasma5, but see here:

Step 4) zypper up

VLC is not happy, that packman program is all in on the new libQt5. I probably need to include the 13.2 packman repo along with the 13.2 versions of oss and update for consistency.

No. VLC is also using Qt5, also on 13.2 already.

And my answer is and will always remain that for the time being, I am not ready to move to Plasma 5.3, but I do not want the standard 13.2 either.

Again, you can use 13.2 and add additional repos to upgrade certain parts of your system.

YaST is based on Qt5

I could continue to argue that I have an aversion to the number five itself, but I just checked something. I DON’T HAVE YAST!!!
Pardon the caps. I just assumed that KF5 and Qt5 were coincident. Meaning that they were rolled out together and both responsible for the exciting new version of Plasma. Nope.

I also have an aversion to saying that you are right, so let’s just say that you have a point!

The only reason my system isn’t hosed is that all the settings set by Yast must still be in force.

YaST and VLC thank you.

Yes, because it requires Qt5. If you uninstall the latter, the former gets removed as well.
You could still use the ncurses (text-mode) or Gtk versions of YaST though, even without Qt5.
The former should even be installed by default, the latter would use Gtk3 but isn’t available in Tumbleweed any more.

Pardon the caps. I just assumed that KF5 and Qt5 were coincident. Meaning that they were rolled out together and both responsible for the exciting new version of Plasma. Nope.

KF5 is just based on Qt5, it is an extension to Qt5. But Qt5 can be used without KF5 too.

It’s the same relation as between kdelibs4 and Qt4.

I also have an aversion to saying that you are right, so let’s just say that you have a point!

I know, you only like to think that you are right it seems… :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I and the others that replied in this thread are using openSUSE much longer than you I suppose, and therefore know it (much) better…

The only reason my system isn’t hosed is that all the settings set by Yast must still be in force.

Of course.
Uninstalling YaST does not remove your system’s config files.

YaST and VLC thank you.

For what?
That they are using Qt5?

Why not, Qt5 is a big improvement over Qt4. Just like Qt4 was over Qt3.
A major new version just isn’t (fully) compatible. That’s also the reason why we need a new desktop (Plasma 5), like we needed the then new KDE4 years ago.
The last Qt4 version has been released recently, there will not even be bugfix updates any more.
KDE4, the desktop, will be supported by KDE a few more months, but not longer. That’s why openSUSE switched to Plasma5 as default (KDE) desktop.

‘grep -v i586’ prints all lines that do not have i586 on it. ‘-v’ inverts grep.

All right. I overlooked the ‘-v’…

Kool, I am really starting to warm to you.

And you know what? kmix 15.04 works better than 14.12. Maybe I’ll check out kwrite and konsole, both of which were broken in the 15 series initially.

kwrite example: I want text file displayed on mono fonts by default so that this text file looks like this in kwrite:

# | Name                    | Type    | Repository
1 | MozillaFirefox          | package | (any)     
2 | breeze                  | package | (any)     
3 | patterns-openSUSE-kde_* | package | (any)     
4 | kcm_touchpad            | package | (any)     
5 | kate                    | package | (any)     
6 | kwrite                  | package | (any)     
7 | konsole                 | package | (any)     

That stopped working in the initial Plasma 5 update 16 May. But I should try it again sometime.

There should not be much (or any) difference at all.

Maybe I’ll check out kwrite and konsole, both of which were broken in the 15 series initially.

They never were “broken” here, not even the pre-release versions one year ago.

kwrite example: I want text file displayed on mono fonts by default so that this text file looks like this in kwrite:

# | Name                    | Type    | Repository
1 | MozillaFirefox          | package | (any)     
2 | breeze                  | package | (any)     
3 | patterns-openSUSE-kde_* | package | (any)     
4 | kcm_touchpad            | package | (any)     
5 | kate                    | package | (any)     
6 | kwrite                  | package | (any)     
7 | konsole                 | package | (any)     

That stopped working in the initial Plasma 5 update 16 May. But I should try it again sometime.

What exactly do you mean with “stopped working”?
I suppose you mean the displayed layout of that table is not as intended, i.e. the columns are not aligned?
It works fine here:

Maybe you set a font that’s not installed or something?
E.g. the default monospace font in Plasma5 is “Oxygen Mono”. If that’s not installed and you don’t re-configure it, KWrite’s or Konsole’s text display has glitches.
You can set the default monospace font in systemsettings5, which you should be able to install even without breeze I suppose, or you could override the used font in the applications themselves.

Maybe you should have started to describe your actual problems in the first place? :wink:

Columns not aligned is exactly what I meant. I prefer that by default with plain text. Oddly, it still looked like the same font, just not aligned. konsole still has a cursor jumping ahead of the text in Plasma 5. zypper al konsole.:wink: