this causes readability problems on most programs since may and i was unable to fix any reliable fix for a while.
the only workaround i could find requires to use another icon pack. which sadly doesn’t solve the issue, it only hides the problem, and in any case it’s not the same as using the breeze dark icon theme.
i’ve searched the subreddit and nobody talks about it.
on this forums i found atopic or two, including my own, but they all got closed automatically and still no fix was found, only a workaround.
i guess there’s a workaround but no idea what it is.
i’ve looked thru reddit and the forums and barely anyone mentions this issue, is it that rare to use breeze dark ?
Perhaps it’s the combination of opensuse with breeze dark that’s unpopular, especially considering opensuse has less users than Ubuntu, fedora and arch. That being said there were other posts too that mention the issue but none of them offer any solutions except of changing the theme