borked my splash screen! ooops

heya, started out with opensuse xfce4 last week and enjoying it, so thought i’d try changing my splash screen. having prioritised the update oss repo i thought it was safe… i got a few packages and tried one but now starts by very slowly fading in the default green wallpaper then dropping me a plain text login. i found ‘xdm’ to get a gui but i have lost alot of privilages such as cannot connect to wifi (no session found for uid 1000 (unknown)). there is also an xconsole readout window that doesn’t have anything to say for it’self. disabled splash, reinstalled everything i could from cd (thus downgrading a few things, i know), no joys.

using a toshiba nb100 so no fancy drivers or configs. no problems upto this point despite being a forevernoob. oh what have i done!

On 2015-07-30 21:46, seaoffecundity wrote:

> then dropping me a plain text login. i found ‘xdm’ to get a gui but i
> have lost alot of privilages


> using a toshiba nb100 so no fancy drivers or configs. no problems upto
> this point despite being a forevernoob. oh what have i done!

Reinstall and learn :slight_smile:

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

Been there, done that in my earliest experiences on openSUSE but I was using KDE then so I simply filtered on everything with “KDE” in the package name and did a force-re-install of those packages.

I don’t know if you can similarly filter for all core XFCE packages and force re-install,
Looking in an XFCE machine I run, I found the following.
If you aren’t in a Graphic Desktop, you can try booting to Recovery (Grub menu option)
type “yast” in the text console to get an ncurses version of YAST

From within any kind of YAST you can launch,

YAST > Software Manager
By default lists “All Packages” on the left but orgainized by pattern, including the XFCE Desktop pattern.

Click on “XFCE Desktop” and packages will be listed in the right panel, with installed packages checked.

I recommend rt-clicking on the checkbox of every checked “XFCE Desktop” package, selecting the “re-install” option.
Run that, reboot and see what your result is, you’re hoping all will be reset to default values.