Borked desktop appearence in KDE after fiddling with QT5 etc.

Hi all,

After some fool-hardy uninstalling / reinstalling whilst trying to get a python program to work (problems with PyQt4 / PyQt5), I’ve managed to make a right mess of my desktop environment. The fonts are defaulting to something ugly (Arial 12 I think), certain icons are missing in the KDE menu, I have to double-click in dolphin to open stuff, and the fonts in the terminal so messed up that it’s hard to read etc. I have a feeling I uninstalled QT5 and re-installed it. I’m not certain now whether QT4 or QT5 is being used. Changing things like the font in the system-settings doesn’t make any difference either which seems a bit weird.
Does anyone have any thoughts, or even better, how I can return some normality to my now very ugly looking desktop-environment (which is Plasma5)?

TIA for any advice/suggestions


Try in desktop settings. System settings are for the system desktop settings are for each and very user. Also the files can be found for each user in ~/.config

try a new user
if the look is borked for new users you might need to reinstall something you should tell us your repo list (especially if you installed packages from another repo)

zypper lr -d

if all is fine for the new user you can continue using that account (importing your files) or try removing kde (plasma 5) setting files from your old account (if you don’t know what you’re doing don’t do this) as the default will be recreated at next login