Booting issues, x server

Hello all. I am new to linux and have chosen opensuse 11 for my first venture into the linux world. I have installed it on my system with no problems but when I boot it it gives me an error saying that it failed to start the X server. The reason it gives me is, (EE)problem parsing the config file, and (EE) Error parsng the config file, Fatal serer error: no screens found, (WW) xf86CloserConsole: KDESETMODE failed: Bad file descriptor, (WW) xf86Closerconsole: VG_GETMODE failed: Bad file descriptor.

MY specs are ASUS m2n-sli deluxe, AMD athlon x2 64 5200+, 3 gigs of RAM and dual xfx 7600gts.

Thank you in advance.

I also forgot to mention that I chose the GNOME desktop environment. Please help me out so I can stop using fail-windows.

you might be able to boot to a GUI login with failsafe boot option.

Then install the nvidia drivers

If failsafe doesn’t work
use normal boot option but clear any text in the boot options line and just type the number: 3

login as root (NB. as you type your password it does not display)

now type this:
sax2 -r -m 0=vesa

(NB the 0 in 0=vesa is a zero)

try a normal login again