Boot up problem

Hi, I just wanna ask, my box is working fine until today when I boot it up this morning it wont load it is just stuck at

“doing fast boot
Creating device nodes with ndev”

its been there for a while and its not continuing, is there anything I can do to it? Thanks. by the way i am currently using OpenSUSE 3.4.11-2.16

On 2014-05-16 10:46, googol wrote:
> Hi, I just wanna ask, my box is working fine until today when I boot it
> up this morning it wont load it is just stuck at
> “doing fast boot
> Creating device nodes with ndev”
> its been there for a while and its not continuing, is there anything I
> can do to it? Thanks. by the way i am currently using OpenSUSE
> 3.4.11-2.16

He, that’s not the openSUSE version, that’s the kernel version probably,
and an old one.

You can look up the actual version with this command:

cat /etc/os-release
cat /etc/SuSE-release

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

hi sorry uhmm where do i input these codes? sorry im a newbie

Really need more info. can you boot to using recovery mode? That is usually in the advanced in the boot menu. But we are not sure what version of openSUSE you are using so it could be different.

Are you dual booting with Windows if so which version?

On 2014-05-16 11:56, googol wrote:

> hi sorry uhmm where do i input these codes? sorry im a newbie

In any terminal you can get to - but if the machine does not boot…

You can try if it will boot in failsafe, or else, you will have to boot
any Linux live CD you have around, mount your system disk (if the live
CD is a graphical one you can do that easily, just as with your real
system), open whatever file browser it has, navigate to the requested
file, and open it with any editor you have…

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

The version number probably relates to 3.4.11-2.16 kernel (associated with openSUSE 12.2). Try to boot in recover mode as gogalhorp suggested. Any difference?

Yah you are right it says OpenSUSE Version 12.2 Mantis.

Ive tried booting recovery mode it shows texts some says failed. dependency failed. abort start

nope im not dual booting just openSUSE with 2pcs 3TB extra for storage

I need a help. im using OpenSUSE 12.2 Mantis, and im stucked at emergency mode. I have 3 hard drives in it one is the os drive 2 data drives. the default data drives is now broken so i had to use the back up one. but for some reason i cant enter the gui im still stucked in emergency mode ive tried systemctl default, ive tried booting recovery still no luck. im clueless to as the commands to use. anyone knows anythin i can do with it?

Pure guess that you had a kernel update and need too reinstall the video driver.

Also could be that the failed drive caused the boot to abort.
Boot to a DVD version and do a
fdisk -l
(that is a lower case L not a one)

at a terminal as root
note the ID’s of the drives then look in the /etc/fstab on the boot drive. Note you will have to mount the boot partition to see it. Don’t check the one from the DVD

If the mount points don’t correspond to the ones in fdisk manually fix the table so that the drive ID’s match

Then reboot and see if that works

You really need to supply more info. Basically saying it is broken does not help us help you. I’m just guessing above

On 2014-05-21 07:26, googol wrote:

> Ive tried booting recovery mode it shows texts some says failed.
> dependency failed. abort start

Can you take a photo with a camera and post it somewhere, like

We really need details in order to try to help you…

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

you’re guess is really helpful. well uhm i apologize for the lack of information the guy who did this for me moved far so i really have no idea about this. anyway the drive i had mounted was now ticking so it cannot be accessed and considered as dead drive. im trying to replace it with the one i have empty but its not working.

uhmm sorry about the quality this is the best i could do](

On 2014-06-03 07:06, googol wrote:
> uhmm sorry about the quality this is the best i could do

No, next to useless. It is unreadable. I only can guess some of the words.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

On 2014-06-03 06:46, googol wrote:

> you’re guess is really helpful. well uhm i apologize for the lack of
> information the guy who did this for me moved far so i really have no
> idea about this.

That’s very unfortunate.

> anyway the drive i had mounted was now ticking so it
> cannot be accessed and considered as dead drive. im trying to replace it
> with the one i have empty but its not working.

Notice that “replacing” a disk makes the system unbootable. You need to
configure the system to recognize the new disk, and this is not trivial
to explain if you don’t know the basics…

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

yeah i guess you are right anyway i just removed everything and started installing 13.1 but should i insert the drive i wanted to mount before i install or can i do it later?

Ooops! Cross posting. Disregard the following:

I am seeing possible file system problems with your home directory or partition.

Since you are posting here, you must be using another machine to do that.

First, if you have a live linux CD or DVD (any flavour, openSUSE, Ubuntu, Puppy Linux), post back here and say what you have. We can get you to boot with it and give you some commands to help diagnose your problem.

Otherwise, go here:

Click on “Live KDE” and download it. Burn the ISO to a CD. (I’m choosing Live KDE because I use KDE, so I won’t be lost when telling you what to do next.)

Test it to make sure you can boot your stubborn system with it.

Let us know when you have a live linux disk ready to go that you can boot with.

You mean, the data drive?

Then, yes.

Of course, you need the system drive installed, including where you plan to have your /home partition, or you won’t be able to install.

I recommend a separate partition for “/” (root) and a separate partition for “/home”.

… and, moving up to 13.1 is a very good idea.

Both can be on the same drive.

… oh. And don’t worry about knowing enough. If you follow our directions exactly, we should be able to walk you through much easier than you probably expect.

Thank you for the help guys. ill just go look for more tutorials so i wont disturb you guys much. thanks!