Boot problem (kernel not found)

I have updated opensuse 11.3 via yast and after reboot I got this error

error: file not found.
error: you need to load kernel first.

Press any Key to continue…

Please help me out!!! to fix this problem.I am new to opensuse.

Sounds like your update went south.

There are several ways to re-install the kernel, but because you can’t boot your current system you need to use your install media - But we need to know what you used. DVD or CD?

I have used DVD for installing opensuse 11.3, and I have ubuntu installed on current system. Ubuntu’s Grub loader working properly but when I try to boot opensuse It has above mentioned problem.
Thank You.

Try running this in ubuntu first, maybe the kernel update messed it up. Every time SUSE has a kernel update do this in Ubuntu

sudo update-grub

problem has been fixed by updating the grub ! ! : )
Thank you Very much !!
enjoying suse !! : )

No problem friend
Just keep a note of that one. Happy to help.

I have upgraded opensuse 11.3 via yast to 11.4 M2 and after reboot I got this error

error: file not found.
error: you need to load kernel first.

Press any Key to continue…

update-grub did not work in Ubuntu. I have a live CD for openSUSE 11.3 M6

You would probably be better re-installing IMO

Is there a specific reason you want the Milestone 2 release for 11.4? Unless you’re doing testing, I’d stay away from that release for a while, until we get closer to the release date (and even then, I would recommend waiting for a month or two after the official release).

If your current media is 11.3 Milestone 6, not the official release, it will be hard to provide support - is there a reason you didn’t download the release version?

This Works!

SuSE 11.3 and various Ubuntu Versions!
After an 11.3 Update the above error message appears .
With update-grub on an Ubuntu everything works fine again.
Thank You!!

It does indeed work :smiley:
No problem