I just created 11.2 using openSUSE. I dont remember requiring login or password. HOW do I fix. Running the iso in VMware, thnk>:(:(>:(:(>
Ok, I got in using root/linux. HOW i do launch Desktop
just4me2 wrote:
> Ok, I got in using root/linux. HOW i do launch Desktop
if all is working well it will boot straight to a desktop…if you get
a log in screen (otherwise often called “black screen” here) you have
a problem…probably a hardware problem…most likely a graphics problem…
you probably have ATI, nVidia or Intel graphics–use the forums
advanced search function and search on
“black screen” [ATI/nvadia/intel] pick the correct one…
and, it may a difference which VM you run in…you might add that to
your search string…if you don’t find help in the thousands of “black
screen” threads, come back and tell us more about you problem…
underlying OS
VM make and model
how much hardware RAM
hardware graphics
installed openSUSE version (source)
installed via how (CD, DVD, iso)
etc etc etc etc
have you actually installed it into a VM, or just trying to run a live
CD image)
what desktop environment are you trying to run/install