Blurred and stretched image

Recently after booting my system I have been getting a distorted and stretched image on my desktop. The first few times I noticed this i rebooted and it corrected itself but recently it does not return to normal after reboot. The system font has changed, colours have appeared to have dimmed, blurred and appear swollen. Overall images are not as sharp. Video and picture images are slightly wide and distorted. At one point the taskbar had stretched out of the screen. I corrected this with some adjustment of the desktop settings but there has been no improvement to image quality. I have played around with various settings to no avail.
Does anyone have any idea what may be causing this? Could my graphics card be packing it in?

Thanking you in advance

You description only leads to more questions: I guess this happened after an update perhaps? Which desktop environment? Graphics hardware and driver? I’m also wondering what type of connection/cable you have between graphics card output and monitor? Have you been able to derive current display resolution (xrandr command) to compare with expected display resolution?