Blu Ray in 12.1?

Does 12.1 support blu ray? I have libbluray install but it doesn’t see to work with vlc…

I’m not sure
I don’t think it will play commercial Blue Ray that require a method of decryption.

I stand to be corrected and educated though

Well that is some sad news indeed…

I should wait for more replies

The lack of support is not really the fault of Linux

Try a google of: play blu ray in linux
It may help you

On Tue, 10 Jan 2012 15:46:03 +0000, caf4926 wrote:

> I’m not sure I don’t think it will play commercial Blue Ray that require
> a method of decryption.

There’s an AACS decryption project out there that’s licensed under the
GPL, but it doesn’t include a decryption key (naturally, as that would
defeat the DRM).

> I stand to be corrected and educated though

No, you’re correct - there are ways to handle blu-ray content, but
they’re not very convenient or easy. I’ve been looking into this since I
got my new laptop; I want to replace the DVD drive with a Blu-ray drive
so when Ken takes his PS3 “on the road”, we can watch our Blu-ray discs,
but it seems it might be easier for us to get our own PS3 or for me to
use a Windows-based program (the system’s fast enough I could probably
run it in VirtualBox - I do that to use Netflix when I want to stream
without the PS3).


Jim Henderson
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