Blank Screen

I have tried Ubuntu = live CD loads to blank screen. Was able to load by F4 I think it was and selected safe graphics. Fedora = Never even saw anything; no choices to make; totally blank. Suse= Did the install and blank screen; selected safe mode= still blank. I have a Dell Laptop
with an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650 and 1Gb RAM. Default Res 1600 x 900.
I’m thinking if I can load a live Linux and do some editing, but don’t know what.
So if I can get into Suse’s new install any ideas on what to edit? xorg I guess.:\


If you start up in runlevel 3, by adding a 3 to the grub options, you
can log in as root and run sax2 -r -m 0=vesa then restart, it should get
you a working desktop.

Barry Nichols

Thanks I’ll give that a whirl once I get in there.
I actually just tried an old knoppix i had (ver 5.3.1) that wouldn’t load. I just downloaded 6.2 and will try that.

Still blank after changing runlevel to 3. Think I’ll give Mandriva a go. Would you believe Puppy Linux works without a hitch.