I know that Zypper can lock packages, but I am wondering if Zypper can block just a certain version of a package. (On a side note, I don’t like forcing users to use the English SDB site with the “en” in the URL’s domain; is there a generic URL I can use?)
In my particular case, I have found that the latest kernel version causes problems on my computer, so I want to remove that version and use an older version. However, I don’t want to cease all updates to the kernel. I tried
Yep; I skipped over the locks file page because I assumed I would be dealing with the command line only.
I tried your method and it worked; thanks! I did discover that for any query string, I needed to enclose it in quotes. Otherwise, zypper would add three separate entries to the locks file (one for “packagename”, “=”, and the version “#.#.#”). The page also used a double-equals operator, rather than a single equals operator, but both seem to accomplish the same thing. In the end, I used something like the following command for my purposes: