Blacklist specific version of a package in Zypper

I know that Zypper can lock packages, but I am wondering if Zypper can block just a certain version of a package. (On a side note, I don’t like forcing users to use the English SDB site with the “en” in the URL’s domain; is there a generic URL I can use?)

In my particular case, I have found that the latest kernel version causes problems on my computer, so I want to remove that version and use an older version. However, I don’t want to cease all updates to the kernel. I tried

zypper addlock kernel-default-#.#.#-#.#

But, that lock didn’t seem to block anything.

Try something like:

zypper addlock kernel-default = 4.1.45


zypper addlock kernel-default >= 4.1.45

(the latter would of course lock 4.1.45 and all newer kernels)

See also for more details, which is referenced by the page you mention btw.

IMHO the latter will redirect standardout of the command to the file =.

Yeah right, and it will lock kernel 4.1.45, not higher than 4.1.45 as a result.

So this needs to be put into quotes:

zypper addlock "kernel-default >= 4.1.45"

PS: something like this should also work (to lock only a range of versions):

zypper al "kernel-default >= 4.1.45 < 4.1.46"

Yep; I skipped over the locks file page because I assumed I would be dealing with the command line only.

I tried your method and it worked; thanks! I did discover that for any query string, I needed to enclose it in quotes. Otherwise, zypper would add three separate entries to the locks file (one for “packagename”, “=”, and the version “#.#.#”). The page also used a double-equals operator, rather than a single equals operator, but both seem to accomplish the same thing. In the end, I used something like the following command for my purposes:

zypper addlock "kernel-default == 4.1.45"