Blackened Spaces in Microsoft Office 2007

this is my problem. image is also present in the below link:

Black or Corrupt UI Artifacts Under Wine - Ask Ubuntu - Stack Exchange

i am running Opensuse Tumbleweed and my graphics is Intel. if it is a graphics driver problem, what can i do to correct this issue?

  1. it would have been nice if you had mentioned Wine in your title, normaly nobody here is very interested in MS Office :frowning:
  2. there is a special Tumbleweed part of these Forums. Why didn’t you post there?

It is a graphics driver problem.
It’s fixed in version 2.16.0 of the Intel driver.

It made me curious enough to look. Why would someone with MS Office problems post in these forums?

  1. i am sorry, but it was already mentioned in the link i had posted.:frowning:
  2. i thought ‘Applications’ was a better choice. sorry again.:frowning:

@ chief_sealth,
i’m not a fan of Microsoft Office, but i have to use ‘Excel’ for my work.

@ dimesio
thanks for the solution. i’ll give it a try.

  1. i am sorry, but it was already mentioned in the link i had posted.

It is sorry to yourself :). It wasn’t in the title, a good title draws the good people to your thread. In your case it should draw the attention of Wine people, not of the non-existing MS Office people. All in your favour.

  1. i thought ‘Applications’ was a better choice. sorry again.

Because Tumbleweed is something very different from the “official” openSUSE we try to have that at a special forum. To make things less difficult to those (new) openSUSE users, who probably do not even know what Tumbleweed is. It is the same as we try to have beta released version questions separate.

I am a “Wine person” and I just assumed it was under Wine.

@ dimesio,
tried to find my graphics driver version and i’m a bit confused. i’m posting my system info snapshots:

OpenGL Information: SUSE Paste

X- Server Information: SUSE Paste

can you help me out? which one should be updated to “2.16.0” and how to do so? as i mentioned before, i’m using Tumbleweed

thanks a lot for your help:)

I found a package for the 2.16 driver for openSUSE 11.4 on the OBS. I don’t know if you can use it on Tumbleweed; ask on the Tumbleweed forum. (If it messes up your system, that’s not something I have the skill to help you fix.)

BTW, your other option to upgrading is to downgrade to a driver older than 2.11, which is when the regression was introduced.

thanks a lot dimesio. i think its time i moved to Tumbleweed section as ‘hcvv’ had suggested. i will post a reply here if i get a solution.

what kind of office is that enterprice ?

yes. Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise Edition.

I think it could have something to do with libraries under wine, if you dont have any problems with your graphic driver in suse, its probably wine fault.

check if you have all libraries needed for office 2007
dotnet11 dotnet20 gdiplus riched20 riched30 msxml3 msxml4 msxml6 corefonts tahoma vb6run vb3run vb4run vb5run vcrun6 msi2
msxml3 msxml4 msxml6 riched20 riched30 vcrun2003 vcrun2005 vcrun2005sp1 vcrun2008
corefonts tahoma wsh56js

do you have installed directx in wine?
maybe try reinstall it.

Not only do you NOT need all of that garbage to run Office 2007, installing it may well prevent Office apps from working at all.

i’ve requested the author of intel 2.16 driver for a tumbleweed version. he has not yet given me reply.:frowning:

off hand i would say it is a bug with MS Office
The folkes over at wine.hq do a “good” job of the os but office uses a different ui that there OS
the two departments DO reinvent the wheel because they do not talk to each other .

normally the replays are “why MS office” i am guessing it is some MS patented VB script thing

if at all possible run MS Office on a MS windows OS
i do not even think that ms office can pass the "Microsoft genuine DISavantage " in wine
dose office authenticate when installed in wine ?
– i do not know so, MSoffice 2002 was the last i used .

ok. i got the reply from the intel driver author:

“The project on you are referring to is not supported. Please see