BlackBerry 10 on 42.1

I recently switched over to OpenSUSE 42.1 from Windows 10 on my Lenovo. Things are coming along as I get used to it and decide on a Desktop Environment. I love KDE but the laptop may not handle it well, so I’m trying Xfce, LXDE and Openbox as well.

The problem I’m having is that I can not seem to get SUSE to acknowledge my smartphone when I connect it. I have a BlackBerry Q10 with OS 10.2.x.xxxx. I don’t need to use Link or anything like that. I’d just like to transfer files back and forth. I don’t even really need access to the flash drive but only the micro-sd.

I have searched around but what I did find was mostly for older OpenSuse and older BBs and nothing that worked as of yet. I probably missed something obvious. I’m sure I could remove the card each time and plug it into an adapter but it would be nice to just plug the phone in and go. Dolphin does not seem to see the phone as of yet. I’m sure it’s probably something simple I’ve missed.

Any help is appreciated. Apologies if this is the wrong forum. I looked all over but as a guy, I never do seem to find what I’m looking for; so mucb easier to point things out to others. :slight_smile:

I’m not familiar with BB devices, and from what I’ve read the newer ones use an undocumented communication protocol not supported by Linux. However, I’ve read one suggestion here (post #3) which mentions using samba file sharing as the way to go

So far the easiest way to access the files on your phone is to enable WiFi Sharing and add your phone as a samba server in your file manager. Enter smb://yourphoneswifiIP and log in with Username: blackberry and your chosen WiFi sharing password. This works quick and pretty flawlessly.

Another crackberry thread mentions that enabling ‘mass storage mode’ on the BB device first should then provide access to the SD card via USB connectivity.

Hope this helps.