Hi, on my tuxedo infinity pro three boot (opensuse TW broken, opensuse leap 15.1 nologinnow, windows 10 theonlyworkingnow), this evening suddenly at boot of leap 15.1 with KDE this login black screen:
black screen with working mouse cursor and a thing similar to an underscore on top left
it stuck here
at [FAILED] Failed to start locale service it says to see systemctl status systemd-localed.service
this is the result:
● systemd-localed.service - Locale Service
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-localed.service; static; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: failed (Result: resources)
Docs: man:systemd-localed.service(8)
May 25 19:45:09 pla4ST systemd[1]: systemd-localed.service: Failed to run 'start' task: No space left on device
May 25 19:45:09 pla4ST systemd[1]: Failed to start Locale Service.
May 25 19:45:09 pla4ST systemd[1]: systemd-localed.service: Unit entered failed state.
May 25 19:45:09 pla4ST systemd[1]: systemd-localed.service: Failed with result 'resources'.
how can I solve and login in my leap?
Maybe out of disk space. Can you boot to terminal?? If so try
btrfs filesystem df
I’m not on btrfs I’m on ext, I can login by terminal, how can I check it??
you are right!!!lol!lol!
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted ondevtmpfs 16310544 0 16310544 0% /dev
tmpfs 16318976 0 16318976 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 16318976 9752 16309224 1% /run
tmpfs 16318976 0 16318976 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda7 60213124 60196740 0 100% /
/dev/sda8 60213124 3426716 53698024 6% /home
/dev/sda11 1632838652 704405652 928433000 44% /dati
tmpfs 3263792 0 3263792 0% /run/user/0
I don’t know why but root partition is full, what can I safely delete? /tmp? or other?
you are right!!!lol!lol!
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted ondevtmpfs 16310544 0 16310544 0% /dev
tmpfs 16318976 0 16318976 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 16318976 9752 16309224 1% /run
tmpfs 16318976 0 16318976 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda7 60213124 60196740 0 100% /
/dev/sda8 60213124 3426716 53698024 6% /home
/dev/sda11 1632838652 704405652 928433000 44% /dati
tmpfs 3263792 0 3263792 0% /run/user/0
I don’t know why but root partition is full, what can I safely delete? /tmp? or other?
57GiB that’s a lot for root.
Discover what’s taking up space:
sudo du --max-depth=2 --one-file-system --human-readable / | sort -h
If possible join root and /home, the current split didn’t go well.
André Werlang:
57GiB that’s a lot for root.
Discover what’s taking up space:
sudo du --max-depth=2 --one-file-system --human-readable / | sort -h
here is:
4.0K /backup tuxedo infinity pro red 1 ST-2020-05-02mag.profile/profiles4.0K /backup tuxedo infinity pro red 1 ST-2020-05-02mag.profile/snaps
4.0K /backup tuxedo infinity pro red 1 TW-2019giu18.profile/snaps
4.0K /boot/efi
4.0K /etc/aliases.d
4.0K /etc/alternatives
4.0K /etc/auto.master.d
4.0K /etc/autoinstall
4.0K /etc/binfmt.d
4.0K /etc/ceph
4.0K /etc/cifs-utils
4.0K /etc/cron.d
4.0K /etc/cron.hourly
4.0K /etc/cron.monthly
4.0K /etc/cron.weekly
4.0K /etc/gdbinit.d
4.0K /etc/issue.d
4.0K /etc/jvm
4.0K /etc/jvm-commmon
4.0K /etc/krb5.conf.d
4.0K /etc/modules-load.d
4.0K /etc/my.cnf.d
4.0K /etc/openal
4.0K /etc/openvpn
4.0K /etc/pesign
4.0K /etc/pptp.d
4.0K /etc/sddm.conf.d
4.0K /etc/sensors.d
4.0K /etc/smartd_warning.d
4.0K /etc/sudoers.d
4.0K /etc/terminfo
4.0K /etc/tmpfiles.d
4.0K /etc/udisks2
4.0K /etc/vnc
4.0K /home-other
4.0K /mnt
4.0K /root/Documents
4.0K /root/Downloads
4.0K /root/Music
4.0K /root/Pictures
4.0K /root/Public
4.0K /root/Templates
4.0K /root/Videos
4.0K /root/bin
4.0K /selinux
4.0K /srv/firebird
4.0K /srv/tftpboot
4.0K /suse-other
4.0K /tmp/.ICE-unix
4.0K /tmp/.Test-unix
4.0K /tmp/.X11-unix
4.0K /tmp/.XIM-unix
4.0K /tmp/.esd-1000
4.0K /tmp/.font-unix
4.0K /tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium.7LkYgR
4.0K /tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium.QCieu6
4.0K /tmp/hsperfdata_pla
4.0K /tmp/kpackagetool5-JppRmO
4.0K /tmp/mozilla_pla0
4.0K /tmp/net-export
4.0K /tmp/runtime-root
4.0K /tmp/runtime-sddm
4.0K /var/crash
4.0K /var/opt
4.0K /var/yp
8.0K /etc/Nextcloud
8.0K /etc/UPower
8.0K /etc/ca-certificates
8.0K /etc/chrony.d
8.0K /etc/depmod.d
8.0K /etc/dkms
8.0K /etc/dnsmasq.d
8.0K /etc/gnupg
8.0K /etc/gtk-2.0
8.0K /etc/gtk-3.0
8.0K /etc/named.d
8.0K /etc/ownCloud
8.0K /etc/pkcs11
8.0K /etc/popt.d
8.0K /etc/products.d
8.0K /etc/purple
8.0K /etc/reader.conf.d
8.0K /etc/rsyslog.d
8.0K /etc/sasl2
8.0K /etc/selinux
8.0K /etc/settings
8.0K /etc/sgml
8.0K /etc/snmp
8.0K /etc/wpa_supplicant
8.0K /lib/dbus-1
8.0K /lib/lsb
12K /etc/ConsoleKit
12K /etc/connman
12K /etc/dhcp
12K /etc/ifplugd
12K /etc/ld.so.conf.d
12K /etc/libnl
12K /etc/pcmcia
12K /etc/plymouth
12K /etc/request-key.d
12K /etc/sysctl.d
12K /etc/uefi
12K /etc/unixODBC
12K /etc/xl2tpd
12K /root/.dbus
12K /srv/www
16K /etc/chromium
16K /etc/cupshelpers
16K /etc/dracut.conf.d
16K /etc/ipmi
16K /etc/lightdm
16K /etc/opt
16K /etc/samba
16K /etc/tcc
16K /etc/tuned
16K /lost+found
16K /root/.ssh
16K /root/Desktop
16K /tmp/.config
16K /usr/x86_64-suse-linux
20K /etc/audisp
20K /etc/kernel
20K /etc/permissions.d
20K /etc/ssl
20K /etc/swanctl
20K /root/.gnupg
24K /etc/kde4
24K /etc/signon-ui
24K /etc/slp.reg.d
24K /lib/apparmor
24K /srv
28K /etc/audit
28K /etc/avahi
28K /etc/dconf
28K /etc/openconnect
28K /etc/vpnc
28K /root/.kde4
32K /backup tuxedo infinity pro red 1 TW-2019giu18.profile/profiles
32K /etc/gpm
32K /etc/mpv
32K /etc/pki
36K /etc/iscsi
36K /etc/java
36K /etc/rdma
36K /etc/snapper
40K /etc/apparmor
40K /etc/firebird
40K /etc/firewalld
40K /etc/gconf
40K /etc/iproute2
40K /etc/pulse
40K /etc/vulkan
44K /etc/init.d
44K /etc/ipsec.d
48K /etc/mcelog
52K /etc/netconfig.d
52K /etc/xscreensaver
56K /etc/bash_completion.d
56K /etc/security
56K /etc/wicked
60K /etc/cron.daily
60K /etc/gimp
60K /etc/xml
64K /etc/libibverbs.d
64K /etc/skel
68K /etc/default
68K /etc/openldap
68K /etc/polkit-1
72K /etc/icewm
80K /etc/speech-dispatcher
80K /usr/local
84K /etc/YaST2
84K /etc/logrotate.d
92K /etc/grub.d
96K /etc/NetworkManager
96K /etc/rpm
96K /root/inst-sys
104K /etc/cups
108K /etc/ppp
108K /var/spool
112K /etc/systemd
144K /lib/noelision
148K /lib64/noelision
156K /etc/lvm
164K /etc/modprobe.d
192K /etc/zypp
196K /etc/pam.d
256K /etc/texmf
256K /lib64/multipath
260K /etc/profile.d
264K /etc/dbus-1
300K /etc/fonts
320K /etc/joe
332K /etc/sane.d
388K /etc/ImageMagick-7-SUSE
416K /etc/strongswan.d
424K /etc/sysconfig
424K /root/.config
464K /etc/X11
544K /etc/postfix
604K /etc/ssh
732K /etc/mono
740K /root/.local
804K /etc/apparmor.d
1.1M /lib/security
1.1M /lib64/security
1.3M /etc/xdg
1.6M /bin
2.0M /var/tmp
5.6M /backup tuxedo infinity pro red 1 TW-2019giu18.profile/logs
5.7M /backup tuxedo infinity pro red 1 TW-2019giu18.profile
7.7M /etc/udev
8.0M /boot/grub2
8.3M /backup tuxedo infinity pro red 1 ST-2020-05-02mag.profile/logs
8.4M /backup tuxedo infinity pro red 1 ST-2020-05-02mag.profile
11M /lib64
12M /sbin
21M /etc
31M /root/.luckyBackup
33M /root/.cache
48M /usr/include
65M /root
71M /boot
74M /usr/sbin
80M /tmp
83M /var/log
122M /usr/src
124M /var/cache
132M /var/lib
151M /opt/zoom
226M /opt/google
244M /opt/brave.com
271M /var/adm
308M /opt/tuxedo-control-center
495M /lib/firmware
537M /lib/modules
611M /var
649M /usr/bin
928M /opt
1.1G /lib
1.3G /usr/lib
3.4G /usr/lib64
4.3G /usr/share
9.8G /usr
45G /server
45G /server/abbaino
58G /
I don’t understand why /server/abbaino is so big, I use it only to mount in it an external server for backup with luckybackup as superuser…
I will transfere it in /home and try to understand more
I splitted becouse in case of reinstall I can maintain /home and is a very good thing lol!, it is enough big becouse I use also an NTFS partition to share with windows and sometimes I need to transfere big files to home becouse sometimes working on something in NTFS doesn’t works well
Maaaaanythanks, after the removing of /server, that was my error in luckybackup configuration, it works nowrotfl!