black screen on login

Hi, on my tuxedo infinity pro three boot (opensuse TW broken, opensuse leap 15.1 nologinnow, windows 10 theonlyworkingnow), this evening suddenly at boot of leap 15.1 with KDE this login black screen:
black screen with working mouse cursor and a thing similar to an underscore on top left
it stuck here
at [FAILED] Failed to start locale service it says to see systemctl status systemd-localed.service
this is the result:

● systemd-localed.service - Locale Service
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-localed.service; static; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: failed (Result: resources)
     Docs: man:systemd-localed.service(8)

May 25 19:45:09 pla4ST systemd[1]: systemd-localed.service: Failed to run 'start' task: No space left on device
May 25 19:45:09 pla4ST systemd[1]: Failed to start Locale Service.
May 25 19:45:09 pla4ST systemd[1]: systemd-localed.service: Unit entered failed state.
May 25 19:45:09 pla4ST systemd[1]: systemd-localed.service: Failed with result 'resources'.

how can I solve and login in my leap?

Maybe out of disk space. Can you boot to terminal?? If so try
btrfs filesystem df

I’m not on btrfs I’m on ext, I can login by terminal, how can I check it??

you are right!!!lol!lol!

Filesystem      1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted ondevtmpfs         16310544         0  16310544   0% /dev
tmpfs            16318976         0  16318976   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs            16318976      9752  16309224   1% /run
tmpfs            16318976         0  16318976   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda7        60213124  60196740         0 100% /
/dev/sda8        60213124   3426716  53698024   6% /home
/dev/sda11     1632838652 704405652 928433000  44% /dati
tmpfs             3263792         0   3263792   0% /run/user/0

I don’t know why but root partition is full, what can I safely delete? /tmp? or other?

57GiB that’s a lot for root.

Discover what’s taking up space:

sudo du --max-depth=2 --one-file-system --human-readable / | sort -h 

If possible join root and /home, the current split didn’t go well.

here is:

4.0K	/backup tuxedo infinity pro red 1 ST-2020-05-02mag.profile/profiles4.0K	/backup tuxedo infinity pro red 1 ST-2020-05-02mag.profile/snaps
4.0K	/backup tuxedo infinity pro red 1 TW-2019giu18.profile/snaps
4.0K	/boot/efi
4.0K	/etc/aliases.d
4.0K	/etc/alternatives
4.0K	/etc/auto.master.d
4.0K	/etc/autoinstall
4.0K	/etc/binfmt.d
4.0K	/etc/ceph
4.0K	/etc/cifs-utils
4.0K	/etc/cron.d
4.0K	/etc/cron.hourly
4.0K	/etc/cron.monthly
4.0K	/etc/cron.weekly
4.0K	/etc/gdbinit.d
4.0K	/etc/issue.d
4.0K	/etc/jvm
4.0K	/etc/jvm-commmon
4.0K	/etc/krb5.conf.d
4.0K	/etc/modules-load.d
4.0K	/etc/my.cnf.d
4.0K	/etc/openal
4.0K	/etc/openvpn
4.0K	/etc/pesign
4.0K	/etc/pptp.d
4.0K	/etc/sddm.conf.d
4.0K	/etc/sensors.d
4.0K	/etc/smartd_warning.d
4.0K	/etc/sudoers.d
4.0K	/etc/terminfo
4.0K	/etc/tmpfiles.d
4.0K	/etc/udisks2
4.0K	/etc/vnc
4.0K	/home-other
4.0K	/mnt
4.0K	/root/Documents
4.0K	/root/Downloads
4.0K	/root/Music
4.0K	/root/Pictures
4.0K	/root/Public
4.0K	/root/Templates
4.0K	/root/Videos
4.0K	/root/bin
4.0K	/selinux
4.0K	/srv/firebird
4.0K	/srv/tftpboot
4.0K	/suse-other
4.0K	/tmp/.ICE-unix
4.0K	/tmp/.Test-unix
4.0K	/tmp/.X11-unix
4.0K	/tmp/.XIM-unix
4.0K	/tmp/.esd-1000
4.0K	/tmp/.font-unix
4.0K	/tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium.7LkYgR
4.0K	/tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium.QCieu6
4.0K	/tmp/hsperfdata_pla
4.0K	/tmp/kpackagetool5-JppRmO
4.0K	/tmp/mozilla_pla0
4.0K	/tmp/net-export
4.0K	/tmp/runtime-root
4.0K	/tmp/runtime-sddm
4.0K	/var/crash
4.0K	/var/opt
4.0K	/var/yp
8.0K	/etc/Nextcloud
8.0K	/etc/UPower
8.0K	/etc/ca-certificates
8.0K	/etc/chrony.d
8.0K	/etc/depmod.d
8.0K	/etc/dkms
8.0K	/etc/dnsmasq.d
8.0K	/etc/gnupg
8.0K	/etc/gtk-2.0
8.0K	/etc/gtk-3.0
8.0K	/etc/named.d
8.0K	/etc/ownCloud
8.0K	/etc/pkcs11
8.0K	/etc/popt.d
8.0K	/etc/products.d
8.0K	/etc/purple
8.0K	/etc/reader.conf.d
8.0K	/etc/rsyslog.d
8.0K	/etc/sasl2
8.0K	/etc/selinux
8.0K	/etc/settings
8.0K	/etc/sgml
8.0K	/etc/snmp
8.0K	/etc/wpa_supplicant
8.0K	/lib/dbus-1
8.0K	/lib/lsb
12K	/etc/ConsoleKit
12K	/etc/connman
12K	/etc/dhcp
12K	/etc/ifplugd
12K	/etc/
12K	/etc/libnl
12K	/etc/pcmcia
12K	/etc/plymouth
12K	/etc/request-key.d
12K	/etc/sysctl.d
12K	/etc/uefi
12K	/etc/unixODBC
12K	/etc/xl2tpd
12K	/root/.dbus
12K	/srv/www
16K	/etc/chromium
16K	/etc/cupshelpers
16K	/etc/dracut.conf.d
16K	/etc/ipmi
16K	/etc/lightdm
16K	/etc/opt
16K	/etc/samba
16K	/etc/tcc
16K	/etc/tuned
16K	/lost+found
16K	/root/.ssh
16K	/root/Desktop
16K	/tmp/.config
16K	/usr/x86_64-suse-linux
20K	/etc/audisp
20K	/etc/kernel
20K	/etc/permissions.d
20K	/etc/ssl
20K	/etc/swanctl
20K	/root/.gnupg
24K	/etc/kde4
24K	/etc/signon-ui
24K	/etc/slp.reg.d
24K	/lib/apparmor
24K	/srv
28K	/etc/audit
28K	/etc/avahi
28K	/etc/dconf
28K	/etc/openconnect
28K	/etc/vpnc
28K	/root/.kde4
32K	/backup tuxedo infinity pro red 1 TW-2019giu18.profile/profiles
32K	/etc/gpm
32K	/etc/mpv
32K	/etc/pki
36K	/etc/iscsi
36K	/etc/java
36K	/etc/rdma
36K	/etc/snapper
40K	/etc/apparmor
40K	/etc/firebird
40K	/etc/firewalld
40K	/etc/gconf
40K	/etc/iproute2
40K	/etc/pulse
40K	/etc/vulkan
44K	/etc/init.d
44K	/etc/ipsec.d
48K	/etc/mcelog
52K	/etc/netconfig.d
52K	/etc/xscreensaver
56K	/etc/bash_completion.d
56K	/etc/security
56K	/etc/wicked
60K	/etc/cron.daily
60K	/etc/gimp
60K	/etc/xml
64K	/etc/libibverbs.d
64K	/etc/skel
68K	/etc/default
68K	/etc/openldap
68K	/etc/polkit-1
72K	/etc/icewm
80K	/etc/speech-dispatcher
80K	/usr/local
84K	/etc/YaST2
84K	/etc/logrotate.d
92K	/etc/grub.d
96K	/etc/NetworkManager
96K	/etc/rpm
96K	/root/inst-sys
104K	/etc/cups
108K	/etc/ppp
108K	/var/spool
112K	/etc/systemd
144K	/lib/noelision
148K	/lib64/noelision
156K	/etc/lvm
164K	/etc/modprobe.d
192K	/etc/zypp
196K	/etc/pam.d
256K	/etc/texmf
256K	/lib64/multipath
260K	/etc/profile.d
264K	/etc/dbus-1
300K	/etc/fonts
320K	/etc/joe
332K	/etc/sane.d
388K	/etc/ImageMagick-7-SUSE
416K	/etc/strongswan.d
424K	/etc/sysconfig
424K	/root/.config
464K	/etc/X11
544K	/etc/postfix
604K	/etc/ssh
732K	/etc/mono
740K	/root/.local
804K	/etc/apparmor.d
1.1M	/lib/security
1.1M	/lib64/security
1.3M	/etc/xdg
1.6M	/bin
2.0M	/var/tmp
5.6M	/backup tuxedo infinity pro red 1 TW-2019giu18.profile/logs
5.7M	/backup tuxedo infinity pro red 1 TW-2019giu18.profile
7.7M	/etc/udev
8.0M	/boot/grub2
8.3M	/backup tuxedo infinity pro red 1 ST-2020-05-02mag.profile/logs
8.4M	/backup tuxedo infinity pro red 1 ST-2020-05-02mag.profile
11M	/lib64
12M	/sbin
21M	/etc
31M	/root/.luckyBackup
33M	/root/.cache
48M	/usr/include
65M	/root
71M	/boot
74M	/usr/sbin
80M	/tmp
83M	/var/log
122M	/usr/src
124M	/var/cache
132M	/var/lib
151M	/opt/zoom
226M	/opt/google
244M	/opt/
271M	/var/adm
308M	/opt/tuxedo-control-center
495M	/lib/firmware
537M	/lib/modules
611M	/var
649M	/usr/bin
928M	/opt
1.1G	/lib
1.3G	/usr/lib
3.4G	/usr/lib64
4.3G	/usr/share
9.8G	/usr
45G	/server
45G	/server/abbaino
58G	/

I don’t understand why /server/abbaino is so big, I use it only to mount in it an external server for backup with luckybackup as superuser…
I will transfere it in /home and try to understand more

I splitted becouse in case of reinstall I can maintain /home and is a very good thing lol!, it is enough big becouse I use also an NTFS partition to share with windows and sometimes I need to transfere big files to home becouse sometimes working on something in NTFS doesn’t works well

Maaaaanythanks, after the removing of /server, that was my error in luckybackup configuration, it works nowrotfl!