Bitdefender for unixes crashes after latest kernel update on 11.4 64bit

Hello community,

I have a small problem since the latest kernel update (running now Bitdefender (v. 7.6.4) , does load but crashes as soon as it has to load the antivirus engines. Of course the two incidents [kernel update and crash] may be unrelated, but I rather doubt it.

I am running Bitdefender without problems for the last few years.
Has anybody experienced similar problems?

Kind regards

PS: Please refrain from suggesting me clamav as I already use that too, and also from commenting on my paranoia :wink:

PS: Please refrain from suggesting me clamav as I already use that too, and also from commenting on my paranoia
Ok, I see i scared you all off. You are allowed to comment politely on my paranoia, if you can provide me with hints as to how to deal with this.

Nikos78 wrote:

>> PS: Please refrain from suggesting me clamav as I already use that too,
>> and also from commenting on my paranoia Ok, I see i scared you all off.
>> You are allowed to comment politely on
> my paranoia, if you can provide me with hints as to how to deal with
> this.

I would chill out if I were you :slight_smile:

No Signature this time…

On 11/16/2011 12:16 PM, Nikos78 wrote:
> You are allowed to comment politely on my paranoia, if you
> can provide me with hints as to how to deal with this.

some level of paranoia is ok, depending on how/why you use
Bitdefender…could you enlighten us on that please…

like what are you looking for, and where?

openSUSE®, the “German Automobiles” of operating systems

I use bitdefender on my private laptop. I use this computer for online banking and general surfing as well, and it is often connected to a mixed environment (opensuse/windows) network with similar user habits.

But as I sad, i would rather this thread not become a general discussion about the necessity or not of such programs.

On 11/16/2011 08:06 PM, Nikos78 wrote:
> But as I sad, i would rather this thread not become a general
> discussion about the necessity or not of such programs.

ok but, you didn’t answer my question: what are you looking for?

and, i ask not to send this thread off into “a general discussion about
the necessity or not of such programs” but if you are looking for a
dangerous linux virus then you are wasting your time and mine, because
neither bitdefender nor clamav can look for such, because there are none…

do you have windows on that computer, and is it your windows you are
trying to protect?

openSUSE®, the “German Automobiles” of operating systems

On 2011-11-12 18:06, Nikos78 wrote:

> I am running Bitdefender without problems for the last few years.
> Has anybody experienced similar problems?

I don’t use that program; I guess you are the only one here using it here.
I had to look it up in WIkipedia.

It is proprietary, isn’t it? You will have to ask its devs. According to
wikipedia, they have 24/7 support.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

do you have windows on that computer,…


and is it your windows you are trying to protect?

Yes. I connect to a private windows network and don’t want to function as a trojan horse.

It is proprietary, isn’t it?

Yes, unfortunately, else I think one solution would be to recompile it from source.

they have 24/7 support

Yes, they do. For paying customers. The “free for private use” linux edition does not meet that criterion.

Anyway, I am thinking about upgrading to 12.1 on the weekend (even though that would be a KDE downgrade for me) so there will be a new kernel, which might work better (or worse). Thank, you all for your time. And happy 12.1!

On Thu, 17 Nov 2011 14:36:02 +0530, Nikos78
<> wrote:

> Anyway, I am thinking about upgrading to 12.1 on the weekend (even
> though that would be a KDE downgrade for me)

not necessarily; since a couple of days, you find KDE 4.7.3 in the
KDE:/Distro:/Factory repo for openSUSE 12.1 (
). i’m using it, and at the moment it’s perfectly stable. you’ll only
have to keep in mind that, when K:D:F switches to a new version, i.e.,
4.7.8 in the future, it will become really unstable. normally ismail
doenmez or other kind hearted souls post warnings on the opensuse-kde
mailing list well before that happens.


That is nice, so I will just have to make the repository switch from factory to KDE SC4.7 (or whatever they will call it) before that happens.

On Thu, 17 Nov 2011 16:56:03 +0530, Nikos78
<> wrote:

> That is nice, so I will just have to make the repository switch from
> factory to KDE SC4.7 (or whatever they will call it) before that
> happens.

yes, it is. specially since i found noticeable improvements with the
switch from KDE 4.7.2 -> 3, in respect to nepomuk / akonadi / strigi,
KDEPIM, and other applications.

generally i find K:D:F to be very stable, and since i always have other
DEs/WMs installed, i can usually sit out the transition period w/o
switching KDE repos. (takes me hours to switch because of slow internet


KDE-4.7.3 for 12.1 is in the .KDE:/Release:/47/openSUSE_12.1 repository.

On 2011-11-17 10:06, Nikos78 wrote:

>> and is it your windows you are trying to protect?
> Yes. I connect to a private windows network and don’t want to function
> as a trojan horse.

Doubtful. AFAIK, you can only get them in windows files they give you, and
you already are using another antivirus.

AFAIK, all the antivirus we know about search for windows malware, not
linux malware. It does not exist or is too scarce. I’ve never seen one in
the wild. The attacks we can suffer in Linux are different, and I doubt
those tools can protect us against such attacks - which would be nice.

>> It is proprietary, isn’t it?
> Yes, unfortunately, else I think one solution would be to recompile it
> from source.

Does it have the full source available, and still be proprietary? Weird.

>> they have 24/7 support
> Yes, they do. For paying customers. The “free for private use” linux
> edition does not meet that criterion.

I suppose that you can still tell them of the problem, and they can correct
it in due time.

> Anyway, I am thinking about upgrading to 12.1 on the weekend (even
> though that would be a KDE downgrade for me) so there will be a new
> kernel, which might work better (or worse). Thank, you all for your
> time. And happy 12.1!


Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

On Thu, 17 Nov 2011 17:56:02 +0530, eng-int
<> wrote:

> KDE-4.7.3 for 12.1 is in the .-KDE:/Release:/47/openSUSE_12.1-
> repository.

now it is. until yesterday it wasn’t, at least on whatever mirror i’m


>> It is proprietary, isn’t it?
> Yes, unfortunately, else I think one solution would be to recompile it
> from source.

Does it have the full source available, and still be proprietary? Weird.

Of course not. Let me rephrase: Since it is proprietary, there is no source code and compiling is not an option. I will post them the problem as you suggested.

KDE-4.7.3 for 12.1 is in the .KDE:/Release:/47/openSUSE_12.1 repository.


On 2011-11-17 16:56, Nikos78 wrote:
> Of course not. Let me rephrase: Since it is proprietary, there is no
> source code and compiling is not an option. I will post them the problem
> as you suggested.

Ah, I understand. Bad luck. Yes, try that, it can not harm.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

Just in case somebody else encounters the same problem. Here is the thread in the Bitdefender forum and the solution to the problem.
Bitdefender forum

PS: Is there a way to mark the first post as solved

On 11/19/2011 12:56 PM, Nikos78 wrote:
> Is there a way to mark the first post as solved
