Beta 1 still on hold

We were informed by Stephan Kulow “coolo” that Xorg crashes during installation of Beta1.

Refer to this link:

[opensuse-factory] Beta still not ready ;(](

IMO I suspect once that is resolved we could see the release of Beta1.



It’s like having a itch you can’t scratch !

If you have the factory repos enabled an upgrade will get you a beta 1
also using openSUSE-KDE-LiveCD-i686-Build0309-Media.iso installs beta 1 Xorg crashes when rebooting after the installation. but I did a hard shut down and restart but other than that the configuration face proceeded and everything seemed to work
wireless didn’t work until I rebooted again.

my system now shows beta 1 afrer updating the various factory packages

On 09/27/2011 01:06 PM, dth2 wrote:
> my system now shows beta 1 afrer updating the various factory packages

Mine does as well. Happy testing and remember to file bug reports.

I wonder why there is a crash. Did they finally decide to update Mesa at this late date ?

I note M6 (corresponding I assume to Beta) was supposed to have been released 22-Sep, and RC1 is due to be released on 13-Oct, and RC2 on 27-Oct, and GM for the public on 10-Nov (private GM 1 week earlier). My private view (ie IMHO) if we see more of an M6 slip, it is better to let the final GM date slip by a week or two rather than shorten the intervals between M6 and RC1 and RC2 by too much.

The time between M6 (Beta) and RC1 is shrinking.

Looks like it. Mesa is at 7.11x And, we need ISOs to test.

As of now we are behind. I would rather push back the final release date by 2 - 3 weeks.

Build 312 instralls without the X11 crash. Anyway the 686 version does.

I too have installed the “latest” from the factory -and- with this version I can install nVidia version 285.03 -and- it works when I sign on in user mode. IF I try to log on as ‘root’ I get the Lizard with a progress bar that only goes about 85% and then hangs. No Desktop. I can Ctl-Alt-F1 and get a terminal screen to log out from but no Desktop in root.

Also tried to use Sax3 and not everything got installed. Either I am missing a repo -or- it is not setup to grab its dependencies.

Good news is … it really does seem to be better. I was able to install -and- use VMware.

So far the focus problem that I am having in version 11.4 doesn’t seem to be there. What is it?? IF I have multiple windows open and I click on the corner of a lower one, it will grab it like a ‘click and hold’ and move with my mouse cursor. This so far has not surfaced in 12.1. Looks like the mouse operations may be cleaner. … for me anyway.

take care,

I think beta 1 is getting close today’s update has kernel 3.1rc7-3, firefox 7.0 and new artwork

Ok. I went out and got this “latest” and now VMware fails. Also I still can not log on to the root Desktop. I get the Gecko and an 85% progress line … and it hangs.

Looks good -and- I can sign on as my user… but not root.

Take care,

Its Here .

Well, that is all well and good -but- I for one can not boot-up into the root Desktop. I can boot-up into my user and su into root -but- it hangs at the 85% mark on the progress bar when trying to boot into it. I had that problem with my user log-on until I got this new nVidia 285.03 driver. I really can’t see why I can boot into my user and NOT root. Have not reported it as a “bug” yet cause I was waiting for these latest fixes since they seemed to be xorg concerned.

My card is an nVidia 7300 LE… just in case anyone cares.

The fix for VMware was to remove and re-install it again. Patches and all. You can view the procedure on my WebPages at:
SuSE 12.1

Thanks and take care,

Why would you want to boot into root’s desktop? It is very unsecure to do so. You say you have user and can su. Is there anything that you need to do that requires root’s desktop?

I had a similar problem on Windows: I wanted to recompile the Windows kernel, but I didn’t find the sources. /ironic ] If you don’t know much about Linux then use a tested distribution!

I had that problem with my user log-on until I got this new nVidia 285.03 driver.
My card is an nVidia 7300 LE… just in case anyone cares.
That’s a valid Info!

That is not the point … and I really don’t want to get into security discussion over this. If a person wants to boot up into root … for any reason … they should be able to. I always could in the past versions and this is the first time I have had a problem like this. And yes there are things that I need to boot up in root for… but again, I really don’t want to get into a discussion on that either.

Now then, are the rules being changed??? Will booting up into a root Desktop be banned??? Or is this just a new problem???

Take care,

You could try old-style sysV init system. I doubt somebody on the systemd-dev mailinglist will support you stating:
"If a person wants to boot up into root … for any reason … they should be able to. "

To allow root login:
Go into yast > System > /etc/sysconfig Editor > KDM_USERS then add root to the list
Next go to DISPLAYMANAGER_ROOT_LOGIN_LOCAL toggle to ‘yes’
That should fix it.

The openSUSE 12.1 Beta 1 release has been rescheduled for download on Saturday, Oct 01, 2011.

I see it here
Index of /pub/linux/suse/opensuse/distribution/12.1-Beta1/iso