I am wondering… what is the best font for openoffice without installing any restricted fonts Right now I am using DejaVu Sans but I hope there’s more readable font around
I am looking for something similiar to Calibri from M$ Word 2007
Actually I do not think those fonts are that restricted and you do not need to have MS Office 2007 installed to get them.
They come with powerpoint viewer 2007 which is free, so basically if you use that with an emulator you get the fonts.
Of course some of the people here might give you similar font names.
I don’t know what Calibri looks like as I’ve not used MS Office for several years but you should choose fonts to suit the type of writing you are doing and the size of the page you are using. Go through the ones that are available and see what they look like.
If you don’t find something you like, read the Scribus help pages about selecting fonts before you go looking on the web for alternatives.
Ok thanks for help
I think I’ll stick with Bitstream Charter
rozbarwinek wrote:
> I am wondering… what is the best font for openoffice without
> installing any restricted fonts Right now I am using DejaVu Sans but
> I hope there’s more readable font around
> I am looking for something similiar to Calibri from M$ Word 2007
Both the liberation fonts and the gentium fonts are quite nice.
Kevin Miller
Juneau, Alaska
Registered Linux User No: 307357, http://counter.li.org
Gentium is just great
Thanks for info
Best fonts for oOffice would be MAC’s ones if somebody could hack them for Linux lol!
…as well as all the other “creative” soft
…or to create “scotch” for Mac like wine for Windows
Just for laugh though…
I see the install site for Gentium is
Index of /repositories/M17N/openSUSE_11.0/noarch
the rpm package downloaded quickly and installed for us
Gentium is in OSS repository