Battery Icon keep dissapearing

Fresh install of Leap 15.4 and my battery icon randomly dissapears.
Sometimes when I log back out and then back in, it fixes the issue temporarily, until it vanishes again.

How do I fix this ?

I can’t guess about your computer. However, that happened for a while on an older laptop here. It was because the battery was intermittently failing.

I see. (It’s an old Acer laptop from 2014).

I’ve plugged it into a power source but I’m not seeing any charging icon for this either, would this possibly be related ?

Desktop environment? What does the following command (run as user) report?

upower -d

The desktop environment is Plasma 5.24.4

upower -d reports the following:

Device: /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/line_power_ACAD
native-path: ACAD
power supply: yes
updated: Sun 23 Apr 2023 12:12:35 AM EDT (2889 seconds ago)
has history: no
has statistics: no
warning-level: none
online: yes
icon-name: ‘ac-adapter-symbolic’

Device: /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT1
native-path: BAT1
vendor: SANYO
model: AP13B3K
serial: 2271
power supply: yes
updated: Sun 23 Apr 2023 01:00:40 AM EDT (4 seconds ago)
has history: yes
has statistics: yes
present: yes
rechargeable: yes
state: charging
warning-level: none
energy: 40.95 Wh
energy-empty: 0 Wh
energy-full: 46.5 Wh
energy-full-design: 53.4 Wh
energy-rate: 14.13 W
voltage: 17.08 V
time to full: 23.6 minutes
percentage: 88%
capacity: 87.0787%
technology: lithium-ion
icon-name: ‘battery-full-charging-symbolic’
History (charge):
1682226040 88.000 charging
History (rate):
1682226040 14.130 charging

Device: /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/DisplayDevice
power supply: yes
updated: Sun 23 Apr 2023 01:00:40 AM EDT (4 seconds ago)
has history: no
has statistics: no
present: yes
state: charging
warning-level: none
energy: 40.95 Wh
energy-full: 46.5 Wh
energy-rate: 14.13 W
time to full: 23.6 minutes
percentage: 88%
icon-name: ‘battery-full-charging-symbolic’

daemon-version: 0.99.13
on-battery: no
lid-is-closed: no
lid-is-present: yes
critical-action: PowerOff

Perhaps monitor the system journal for any battery related errors…

sudo journalctl -b | grep batt

The next time the battery plasmoid disappears, note if anything is reported.

With no battery icon showing, sudo journalctl -b | grep batt displays this:
Apr 22 23:39:14 localhost kernel: ACPI: battery: Slot [BAT1] (battery present)
Apr 22 23:39:21 localhost systemd[1]: Started Check if mainboard battery is Ok.
Apr 22 23:39:29 localhost.localdomain plasmashell[1719]: plasma-pk-updates: Is on battery: true
Apr 22 23:39:29 localhost.localdomain plasmashell[1719]: plasma-pk-updates: Is on battery: true
Apr 23 00:12:35 localhost.localdomain plasmashell[1719]: plasma-pk-updates: Is on battery: false
Apr 23 00:57:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Check if mainboard battery is Ok…
Apr 23 00:57:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: check-battery.service: Deactivated successfully.
Apr 23 00:57:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Finished Check if mainboard battery is Ok.
Apr 23 01:38:23 localhost.localdomain plasmashell[15286]: plasma-pk-updates: Is on battery: true
Apr 23 01:38:25 localhost.localdomain plasmashell[15286]: plasma-pk-updates: Is on battery: false

Logging out and then back in, the battery icon appears (with power cord in), sudo journalctl -b | grep batt displays the following:
Apr 22 23:39:21 localhost systemd[1]: Started Check if mainboard battery is Ok.
Apr 22 23:39:29 localhost.localdomain plasmashell[1719]: plasma-pk-updates: Is on battery: true
Apr 22 23:39:29 localhost.localdomain plasmashell[1719]: plasma-pk-updates: Is on battery: true
Apr 23 00:12:35 localhost.localdomain plasmashell[1719]: plasma-pk-updates: Is on battery: false
Apr 23 00:57:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Check if mainboard battery is Ok…
Apr 23 00:57:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: check-battery.service: Deactivated successfully.
Apr 23 00:57:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Finished Check if mainboard battery is Ok.
Apr 23 01:38:23 localhost.localdomain plasmashell[15286]: plasma-pk-updates: Is on battery: true
Apr 23 01:38:25 localhost.localdomain plasmashell[15286]: plasma-pk-updates: Is on battery: false

20 or so seconds later, the battery icon dissapears (power cord is still in), I quickly remove the power cord and the battery icon reappears. The ``sudo journalctl -b | grep batt``` command displays this:
Apr 22 23:39:14 localhost kernel: ACPI: battery: Slot [BAT1] (battery present)
Apr 22 23:39:21 localhost systemd[1]: Started Check if mainboard battery is Ok.
Apr 22 23:39:29 localhost.localdomain plasmashell[1719]: plasma-pk-updates: Is on battery: true
Apr 22 23:39:29 localhost.localdomain plasmashell[1719]: plasma-pk-updates: Is on battery: true
Apr 23 00:12:35 localhost.localdomain plasmashell[1719]: plasma-pk-updates: Is on battery: false
Apr 23 00:57:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Check if mainboard battery is Ok…
Apr 23 00:57:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: check-battery.service: Deactivated successfully.
Apr 23 00:57:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Finished Check if mainboard battery is Ok.
Apr 23 01:38:23 localhost.localdomain plasmashell[15286]: plasma-pk-updates: Is on battery: true
Apr 23 01:38:25 localhost.localdomain plasmashell[15286]: plasma-pk-updates: Is on battery: false
Apr 23 01:41:04 localhost.localdomain plasmashell[15286]: plasma-pk-updates: Is on battery: true

I notice that there is a new event log at the bottom of the latest one (I’ve marked it in bold above).

I don’t understand what this all means.

Yeah, this is because you have set the battery icon to only show when relevant. That means when the battery is full the icon dissapears. This is the standard Plasma setting for this icon.

Open the “Status and Notifications” part of your Systray (via the small triangle) → Configure system tray → Entries → battery and Brightness → change to “Always shown”

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I’m not convinced that shows any problem as such. A quick search online does turn up a number of KDE Plasma reports detailing similar intermittent behaviour (mostly focussing on the plasmoid functionality).

FWIW, this long running bug report (refer comment #83 onwards)…

Do you have tlp installed as well?

Yes, that could well be it. :+1:

I think this is it.
I will monitor that.

Thank you so much.

Unfortunately, the issue persists (with or without power cord).
The battery icon dissapears randomly still.

I’ve been monitoring it since I last posted.

Though currently it’s displayed (I just logged back onto the computer).

I wonder what the issue is.

Refer to the bug report I linked to.