Bandwith hording

Okay so my sisters bf enjoys downloadin bittorents 24/7 and seeding at the same time. Needless to say…this takes all the bandwith and leaves the rest of us with none. What is a 10m connection takes now takes me 5 hours to just down lak 515mb ><!!!

Anyways i stream alot of videos because im a anime *****. My question is is there anyway for me to give myself precedence so it doesn’t take a hour to buffer a 20m video? I can’t kill his torrents because then i kill all the ports for xbox 360, playstation 3 and so forth. So i just wanna be able to have precedence over the internet connection so i can at least stream a video.

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I’m not sure, in your description, how this is specifically related to
OpenSUSE unless your OpenSUSE box is just one of many. If that’s the case
(and even if it isn’t) some routers or other devices that can serve as
your gateway to the world will let you implement QoS which basically means
you can give precedence per port or per IP address so your box is the one
preferred or your service (SSH, http, etc.) is the one preferred. You
could also talk to the guy and have him put a limit on his client software
since most of those (or Azureus at least) will let you do things like that
os they’re only using so many bytes per second.

Good luck.

Dimzamatic wrote:
> Okay so my sisters bf enjoys downloadin bittorents 24/7 and seeding at
> the same time. Needless to say…this takes all the bandwith and leaves
> the rest of us with none. What is a 10m connection takes now takes me 5
> hours to just down lak 515mb ><!!!
> Anyways i stream alot of videos because im a anime *****. My question
> is is there anyway for me to give myself precedence so it doesn’t take a
> hour to buffer a 20m video? I can’t kill his torrents because then i
> kill all the ports for xbox 360, playstation 3 and so forth. So i just
> wanna be able to have precedence over the internet connection so i can
> at least stream a video.
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Ive asked him to put a limit, he says he doesn’t have that option. I smell bs though. As for the QoS route when i go into my router it just gives me the option to turn it on then off. Would those adjustments be made in some sort of advanced script that i should be able to find somewhere in the router config?

These are my main QoS options

The following Quality Of Service Parameters are for advanced users only.

General Settings:
Enable QOS
Turbo TCP Enable
QoS Filter Enable
QoS Classification
Peak Information Rate (%)
Committed Information Rate (%)
Peak Burst Size (ms)
Committed Burst Size (ms)
Max Queue Size:
Latency Measurements:
Latency Boundary
Latency Threshold (ms)
Fragmentation Settings:
IP Fragmentation Enable
IP Fragment Size

Looks like your router is capable of classifying traffic and putting limits on classes, from the similarity of the language to other traffic control filters. You should have a manual for your router, if not, you should be able to download from the manufacturer’s site. It’s better than guessing what the options mean, this sort of setup is router specific.

On Wed June 10 2009 06:46 pm, Dimzamatic wrote:

> Okay so my sisters bf enjoys downloadin bittorents 24/7 and seeding at
> the same time. Needless to say…this takes all the bandwith and leaves
> the rest of us with none. What is a 10m connection takes now takes me 5
> hours to just down lak 515mb ><!!!
> Anyways i stream alot of videos because im a anime *****. My question
> is is there anyway for me to give myself precedence so it doesn’t take a
> hour to buffer a 20m video? I can’t kill his torrents because then i
> kill all the ports for xbox 360, playstation 3 and so forth. So i just
> wanna be able to have precedence over the internet connection so i can
> at least stream a video.
This calls out for a biological solution. If your sisters bf(sic) is only
interested in downloadin(sic) bittorents(sic) 24/7; you need to introduce
your sister to a more interesting guy or the boy friend to a more interesting

P. V.
“We’re all in this together, I’m pulling for you.” Red Green

Ha I wish it was that easy.

As for the problem at hand I got my hands on the manual and read some forums. I have to say im still lost. Im trying to comprehend the information at hand and work this all out myself. Sadly its not going well.

You already have the QoS options im given. Im runnin off a Westell versalink model 327W. ( this is the manual···444A.pdf). After reading that i still don’t see a way to set precedence to my laptop. There is no level of settings for individual ethernet ports. Note- hes wireless, im ethernet. Im still just as lost. Any more help would be appreciated.

Who admins this router? If all have access to the interface they can just change back any adjustment you make.
The link you gave is broken for the pdf

I admin the router (despite the fact i have no knowledge in the department of networking). No one else has the password or username. Please if you come up with a config that would prioritize my laptop and keep him from leeching all the bandwith by all means share it. I know its odd for me to ask this instead of just telling him to ohwell stop or ill cut your internet. Cant do that though because my sisters shares their computer. Also their speed is not drastically decreased like mine because their laptop is getting priority.

Router- Westell versalink model 327W
Updated link Versalink 327W User Guide

and once again the options.

The following Quality Of Service Parameters are for advanced users only.

General Settings:
Enable QOS
Turbo TCP Enable
QoS Filter Enable
QoS Classification
Peak Information Rate (%)
Committed Information Rate (%)
Peak Burst Size (ms)
Committed Burst Size (ms)
Max Queue Size:
Latency Measurements:
Latency Boundary
Latency Threshold (ms)
Fragmentation Settings:
IP Fragmentation Enable
IP Fragment Size

No, you can’t assign ethernet ports to QoS classes. The software isn’t able to tell the difference between the hardware ports. What you normally do is assign IP addresses or TCP ports to classes. If you need to you could give your computer a fixed IP address for this purpose. Or if you are the only one using that streaming protocol and you know the port it uses, you could give that protocol priority.

Would i just place priority on the ip address that is listed for my computer in the router setup? As for setting the ports for the stream to have priority, i don’t know the ports and on top of that i use different players and or embedded players. Switch up back and forth. Also if i give priotity to my ip that would not be done under QoS correct, but i would need QoS enabled for it to be effective?

Classifying, controlling and prioritising traffic is what QoS (Quality of Service) is about.

That is a PITA to read.
You should be able to configure access to the router by IP.
That means you assign a range of LAN IP’s for connections to the router and each device (recognized by it’s MAC) is assigned a specific IP on the LAN.
Access control by MAC is very handy and increases security too.

Then see if UPnP is enabled, this would be better disabled and port forwarding done manually in the Firewall settings/allowed services
If you think you already have port forwarding set up manually I would be very surprised.

Much will depend on what the router will allow you to do. I just don’t have time to try and read that online document.

You might only be able to say configure a allow by schedule for the LAN IP you assign to the other person and or block bittorrent completely. has help on this subject too

I went that route once before with the hardcore portfowarding setup. I ended up not being able to open the ports for xbox 360 and ps3 that way. Hence their online capability was stripped away. Sooo we don’t go there anymore.

I will just have to go with trying to set up priorities for the mac adresses and then just trial and error with the QoS. Thank you for the help. You guys gave me some ideas and direction. Im sorry for wasting your sites bandwith on this (ironic) because i guess there is really nothing that can be done other then just messin around with it myself.

I will try to keep future posts fewer and stick to a real problem rather than a annoyance. Thanks again :stuck_out_tongue: