Flash wont play on certain things in firefox. It gives me the option to install the latest flash player and then throws an error saying that flash is already installed. I’m guessing I need to uninstall the previous player as I noticed that flash is up to version 10. So I guess my question is how do I go about that??
It’s not just as simple as doing “yast uninstall flashplayer” in a term is it?
Hey, for me it was just as easy as you described. Unistalled flashplayer in Yast and then installed the flash 10 rpm from Adobe.com. You can also uninstall flash in the commandline using “zypper rm name_of_the_package”
OK cool.What is the exact command in term or what package do I remove (by name) in yast??
OK, found the name of the package using “zypper se flash”. It’s called flash-player. So type “zypper rm flash-player” or search for it in Yast and remove it there.
linux-tml5:~ # zypper rm flash-player
Reading installed packages…
‘flash-player’ is not installed.
Nothing to do.
This is what is saying but the installer says that it’s there.>:)
That is strange. Does it tell you that it is installed when you type “zypper info flash-player”? If not, just get the rpm from Adobe. If yes, see which version it is and if its 9.x try to remove it in the Yast gui. If you installed your current flash flayer from .tar.gz, what I don’t think, I dont know how to remove. Can’t help you any further I think.
Well , I can verify the plugin’s existence as I found it under /usr/lib, I watched it come and go as I uninstalled and reinstalled it a couple of times. Yes I tried restarting firefox and I also tried rebooting. I’ll try the zypper thing anyhow just to see. I’m about two days new to opensuse (coming from ubuntu/fedora) and need to play with the parts more anyhow.
Update…So there are both a flash “plugin” and a flash “player” in the system so I tried uninstalling them both and reinstalling from the adobe site. Still no dice however, I have just noticed that the plugin is version 10x and the player is version9x. Might this be the issue? I should hope not as this means that the package is wrong from the site. Any thoughts???
Hmm, I have only flash-plugin version 10 installed. Have you also tried to remove flash-player using “rpm -e flash-player”?
I think the problem is the player and not the plug in. I tried the automated installer on the adobe site every other time and this time I read the debug: It said “permission denied” So I’ll try to manually install the 10x player and that should solve the problem.
One odd question though, “locate” doesn’t work for finding a file in the term, is there another method in suse?
P.S. When it said that it was installed (debug) it did only refer to the plugin.
Update…uninstalled all on a hunch that the rpm wasn’t installing flash player 10 because of the presence of player 9. Wrong, for whatever reason the adobe rpm only installed the plugin not the player even though it says “flash player”. Odd, no?
I’ll try it with the flash 9 player from the repos but I doubt it will work.
To be continued…
>:)Finally got it working. What I did was uninstalled the flash player from the repos then installed the plugin (10x) then went back and reinstalled the same player and presto!
I think the problem was that the player need a sym-link or something to be generated ( which would happen during install) for it to work with the plugin. I hope this helps someone els out there.