
Having some problems with Avidemux installed in Opensuse 11.1 (KDE 4.2 Live CD) installed.
Never had this issue with Opensuse 11.1 installed form the DVD

When trying to play a file in avidemux I get the error popup box “trouble initializing audio device”
Check in preferences make sure it is set to
Local playback downmixing: stereo
Volume Control: master
Audio Output: ALSA
the final reading I’m not sure about . .
Alsa device: dmix

If I change this to default I can playback audio in avidemux but it stutters.
Checking my system settings KDE4 my preferred audio card shows as Intel ICH6 with AD1981B (Intel ICH6)

If I input this exact string in the Alsa device setting I get the “trouble initializing audio device” again

Mousing over my card it shows
ALSA: x-phonon:CARD=0,Dev=0
followed by the same reading again the only difference instead of phonon it has plughw

Would really love to know what setting I should put in the ALSA device field

Also, any time I hit the save button in avidemux to try and encode something, avidemux immediately crashes.
Here’s an image of the crash file.
Tried removing avidmux and deleting the preferences folder then reinstalling and hasn’t helped with either problem.


Here is the terminal output

farcus@farcus:~> avidemux2_qt4       
  Avidemux v2.4.4                    
 Code      : Mean, JSC, Gruntster    
 GFX       : Nestor Di , nestordi@augcyl.org
 Design    : Jakub Misak                    
 FreeBSD   : Anish Mistry, amistry@am-productions.biz
 Audio     : Mihail Zenkov                           
 MacOsX    : Kuisathaverat                           
 Win32     : Gruntster                               

Compiler: GCC 4.3.2 [gcc-4_3-branch revision 141291]
Build Target: Linux (x86)                           
User Interface: Qt (4.4.3)                          

Large file available: 1 offset

Initialising prefs
Directory /home/farcus/.avidemux exists.Good.
Using /home/farcus/.avidemux as base directory for prefs/jobs/...
Preferences found and loaded                                     
[cpuCaps]Checking CPU capabilities                               
                MMX detected                                     
                MMXEXT detected                                  
                SSE detected                                     
                SSE2 detected                                    
                SSE3 detected                                    
[cpuCaps]End of CPU capabilities check (cpuMask :ffffffff)       

 Registering Encoders
MJPEG encoder registered
Xvid-4 encoder registered
FFmpeg encoder registered
3 encoder(s) registered                                                         

[SDL] Version: 1.2.13
[SDL] Initialisation succeeded
[SDL] Video Driver: x11       

Initializing Dithering tables
[xvid] Initializing global Xvid 4
[xvid] Build: xvid-1.2.1         
[xvid] SIMD supported: (1cf)     
Initializing postproc            
Deleting post proc               
updating post proc               
Enabled type:3 strength:3        

 Registering Filters

Using real audio device
Spidermonkey initialized.

[Locale] Locale: en_GB
[Locale] Loading language file /usr/bin/i18n/qt_en_GB FAILED
[Locale] Loading language file /usr/bin/i18n/avidemux_en_GB FAILED
[Locale] Test: &Edit -> &Edit                                     

Directory /home/farcus/.avidemux/custom exists.Good.
No custom scripts                                   
Custom menu built                                   
The screen seems to be 1280 x 986 px                
Found 20 video encoder(s)                           
Found 10 audio encoder(s)                           
Found 13 format(s)                                  
No crash file (/home/farcus/.avidemux/crash.js)     

 Canonizing null string ??? (/home/farcus/)
46464952 -> 46464952                       
 Riff file detected...                     
 AVI file detected...                      
** opening OpenDML files **                
 Main avi header :                         
Idx1 found at offset 2b0fd80a              
Video track is 0                           
Track 0/2 :                                
vids (73646976)divx (78766964)             
Track 1/2 is audio                         
Not an audio track!                        
Main header                                
dwStreams:              :2                 
dwMicroSecPerFrame:             :41709     
dwMaxBytesPerSec:               :0         
dwPaddingGranularity:           :0         
dwFlags:                :272               
dwTotalFrames:          :148205            
dwInitialFrames:                :0         
dwWidth:                :560               
dwHeight:               :320               

video stream attached:
 Extra Data  : 0      
 fccType     :vids (73646976)
 fccHandler :divx (78766964) 
 dwFlags:               :0   
 dwInitialFrames:               :0
 dwRate:                :1000000  
 dwStart:               :0        
 dwSampleSize:          :0        
 dwScale:               :41709    
 dwLength:              :148205   
 dwQuality:             :10000    
 dwSampleSize:          :0        
biSize:         :40               
biWidth:                :560      
biHeight:               :320      
biBitCount:             :24       
biCompression:          :1482049860
DIVX (58564944)                    
biSizeImage:            :537600    
biXPelsPerMeter:                :0 
biYPelsPerMeter:                :0 
biClrUsed:              :0         

audio stream attached:

 fccType     :auds (73647561)
 fccHandler : (00000000)     
 fccHandler :0x0             
 dwFlags:               :0   
 dwInitialFrames:               :1
 dwRate:                :16000    
 dwScale:               :1        
 dwStart:               :0        
 dwLength:              :98903717 
 dwSuggestedBufferSize:         :8000
 dwQuality:             :-1          
 dwSampleSize:          :1encoding:             :85
channels:               :2                         
frequency:              :48000                     
byterate:               :16000                     
blockalign:             :1                         
bitspersample:          :0                         
 Extra Data  : 24                                  

 0000 : ......�...q.JUNK  01 00 02 00 00 00 80 01 01 00 71 05 4a 55 4e 4b
 0010 : ........  18 10 00 00 2e 00 1c 00                                
_regularIndex.offset : yes                                               
_Tracks[vidTrack].indx.offset : no                                       
Trying avi type 1 index                                                  
Found 148205 videos chunk                                                
Audio track :0, 0 audio chunk                                            
Audio track :1, 148195 audio chunk                                       
Audio track :2, 0 audio chunk                                            
Audio track :3, 0 audio chunk                                            
Audio track :4, 0 audio chunk                                            
Audio track :5, 0 audio chunk                                            
Audio track :6, 0 audio chunk                                            
Audio track :7, 0 audio chunk                                            
Audio track :8, 0 audio chunk                                            
Found 148205 video                                                       
 we have 24 bytes of extra data in wavheader                             

 Audio streamer initialized
 Total audio length : 98903717
OpenDML file successfully read..
Deleting post proc              
Initializing postproc           
Deleting post proc              
updating post proc              
Enabled type:3 strength:3       
[Editor] Duration in seconds: 6181, in samples: 296719072

 Decoder FCC: DIVX (58564944)
Searching decoder (560 x 320, extradataSize:0)...
[lavc] Build: 3352580                            
[lavc] Using 0 bytes of extradata for MPEG4 decoder
[lavc] Decoder init: CODEC_ID_MPEG4 video decoder initialized!

 checking for B-Frames...
 scanning 119 frames     
[lavc] looks like this file was encoded with (divx4/(old)xvid/opendivx) -> forcing low_delay flag                                                               

Seems it does not contain B-frames...
 End of B-frame check                

 Editor :Audio streamer initialized
 Audio codec:  MP2-3               
[RDR] Resizing to 560 x 320        
[lavc] No accelerated colorspace conversion found

** conf updated **
Looks like FRAME_FILM 
 resize by x          

 New X x Y = 720 x 411

 Resized to : 720 x 408, add black border 0 x 72
 Codec XDVD found                               

 configuring codec :15

 Canonizing null string ??? (/home/farcus/)
Saving crash file to /home/farcus/.avidemux/crash.js

 **Saving script project **
Conf size : 160            

*********** BACKTRACK **************
Frame  0: avidemux2_qt4(ADM_backTrack+0x36) [0x8210dc6] 
Frame  1: avidemux2_qt4(_Z20sig_segfault_handleri+0x2d) [0x82111dd] 
Frame  2: [0xffffe400]                                              
Frame  3: /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4(_ZN16QCoreApplication14notifyInternalEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0x66) [0xb6af4916]                                                    
Frame  4: /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4(_ZN13QInputContext9sendEventERK17QInputMethodEvent+0x98) [0xb726d608]
Frame  5: /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4(_ZN13QInputContext9sendEventERK17QInputMethodEvent+0x48) [0xb726d5b8]
Frame  6: /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/inputmethods/im-scim-bridge.so(_ZN29ScimBridgeClientIMContextImpl14update_preeditEv+0xf7) [0xb4dafe77]
Frame  7: /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/inputmethods/im-scim-bridge.so(_ZN29ScimBridgeClientIMContextImpl9focus_outEv+0x69) [0xb4db0029]
Frame  8: /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/inputmethods/im-scim-bridge.so(_ZN29ScimBridgeClientIMContextImpl15widgetDestroyedEP7QWidget+0x38) [0xb4db00c8]
Frame  9: /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/inputmethods/libqimsw-multi.so [0xb5ad5cd9]
Frame 10: /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4(_ZN7QWidget7destroyEbb+0x3ab) [0xb6d8617b]
Frame 11: /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4(_ZN7QWidgetD2Ev+0x17e) [0xb6d54a4e]
Frame 12: /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4(_ZN9QLineEditD2Ev+0x31) [0xb70980b1]
Frame 13: /usr/lib/libkdeui.so.5(_ZN9KLineEditD0Ev+0xa7) [0xb59a5ff7]
Frame 14: /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4(_ZN9QComboBox11setLineEditEP9QLineEdit+0x7b) [0xb705913b]
Frame 15: /usr/lib/libkdeui.so.5(_ZN9KComboBox11setLineEditEP9QLineEdit+0x5c) [0xb5985a3c]
Frame 16: /usr/lib/libkdeui.so.5(_ZN9KComboBox11setEditableEb+0x79) [0xb5985969]
Frame 17: /usr/lib/libkfile.so.4(_ZN11KFileWidget9setFilterERK7QString+0x22d) [0xb521c7cd]
Frame 18: /usr/lib/libkio.so.5(_ZN11KFileDialogC1ERK4KUrlRK7QStringP7QWidgetS7_+0x3d0) [0xb56506e0]
Frame 19: /usr/lib/libkio.so.5 [0xb5654b75]
*********** BACKTRACK **************

anybody have or know where I can get the rpms of Avidemux & Avidemux-qt 2.4.3 for Opensuse 11.1?
Didn’t realise there had been an update to 2.4.4 so want to see if installing the older version solves my problem

We have visitors, and hence I don’t have access to my desktop computers, nor will I for a while. Plus with the need to host, no time to research anything on computers.

I do note on the family laptop, I have in my /var/lib/smart/packages directory:

Do you have a web site where I can upload them?

Did you try changing your /home/yourusername/.avidemux/ directory to some other name and then restarting avidemux to see if that helps?

That would be great if you could send me those files.
I don’t have a web page but you could use this service here

drop name for file upload would be

Tried renaming avidemux directory in home but didn’t make any difference.

may have the same problem with the older version but did notice a couple of posts on crashing in 2.4.4 in the avidemux forums - no responses or solutions there to those posts as yet

OK, … files uploaded.

Good luck !

Thanks so much for that - I’ll download those and give them a try when I get home from work later.

I’m suspicious your avidemux problem is KDE4.2 (and QT) related. But still, reading your comment about stuttering, you could try this work around for choppy audio: SDB:AudioTroubleshooting - choppy sound workaround - openSUSE

well the problem seems better, but I’m not sure why.

All week long have been having the issue since installing avidemux.
Booted up my computer when I got home today - and before playing wiht the avidemux2.4.3 rpms from Oldcpu I thought I’d give 2.4.4 one more spin.
To my amazement I wasn’t experiencing the crash issue and the audio problem was gone.

Not sure why fixed. I remember doing an update via the update applet yesterday evening but the only thing I remember noticing there were some security updates.

Still do have some problems though.
Still crashes on DVD preset if using toolame mp2 audio.
If I change this to aften AC3 - no crash.

Other problem is - although audio seems ot be no problem - the volume control doesn’t work - set to either pcm or master - but this is a fault I can live with.

If you are curious to find out what was updated, just type:
rpm -qa --last > updated-rpms.txtand open up “updated-rpms.txt” with a text editor. Skim that file to see what was changed. … It might give you a hint.

You could go to the avidemux forum and ask about this. They have a good forum. Avidemux2 Forum

This is the avidemux volume control ?

hmmm - have already done another update today (Kernel).
Is there another way to check?

Yes, the volume control problem is in Avidemux. Audio on every other piece of media software works (& always has) without problem.

Will definitely update my posting over on the Avidemux forums.

not sure - but crash fix could possibly be related to running

farcus@farcus:~>avidemux2_qt4 -style qtcurve

and specifying a visual style.
Prior to that had no visual style setting - although I would imagine an install has a default.

Don’t usually run avidemux from terminal - just to specify the style.

No need. This will list ALL rpms you have installed since your first installation of openSUSE, in order, by date. Just look further in the text file.

if it was fixed by an update it would be one of these . . . but I’m not sure which

dhcp-client-3.1.1-6.4.1 Thu 26 Feb 2009 19:40:29 NZDT
gstreamer-0_10-plugins-good-0.10.10-3.21.1 Thu 26 Feb 2009 19:40:26 NZDT
dhcp-3.1.1-6.4.1 Thu 26 Feb 2009 19:40:15 NZDT
glibc-locale-2.9-2.11.1 Thu 26 Feb 2009 19:39:49 NZDT
nscd-2.9-2.11.1 Thu 26 Feb 2009 19:38:57 NZDT
translation-update-ja-11.1-0.1.1 Thu 26 Feb 2009 19:38:51 NZDT
release-notes-openSUSE-11.1.10-0.1.1 Thu 26 Feb 2009 19:38:37 NZDT
glibc-2.9-2.11.1 Thu 26 Feb 2009 19:38:30 NZDT
desktop-translations-11.1-6.4.1 Thu 26 Feb 2009 19:38:18 NZDT
translation-update-11.1-0.1.1 Thu 26 Feb 2009 19:37:36 NZDT
yast2-trans-ja-2.17.18-1.1.1 Thu 26 Feb 2009 19:37:33 NZDT

I still have not updated glibc. I always get nervous when I update that (double checking old version numbers first, to see how much the version number is about to shift). I figure I’ll update the new kernel and glibc on the weekend on my test (sandbox) PC … when I have time to mess around if things go wrong … and if that goes well, I’ll update the other 3 PCs in our family that are running openSUSE-11.1.