avidemux question


I have a data dvd that has some video files, apparently it has a bad sector, but… avidemux can load the video files and play them, so I tried to just ‘save’ a copy of the already loaded video from avidemux to another location, it get locked at certain point which I suppose is the bad sector of the dvd, but… how come it can play the video and not save it ? any suggestions to be able to copy the videos to another location ? thank you.

you don’t really have an issue with avidemux but with a bad medium.
I have 2 suggestions
#1 try the disk on another reader, DVD readers do tend to die out and different readers have different properties.
#2 so it’s a damaged disk that can’t be read on other readers then use dd to copy what can be copied and replace with 0’s the bad parts do:

#dd if=/path/to/DVD/file.mp4 of=/home/you/new_file.mp4 conv=noerror,sync

the mp4 part doesn’t matter you can copy avi, mkv or vob files as dd will do a data copy and replace with 0’s the unreadable parts, the next step would be to clean-up and re0index the recovered file you can try ffmpeg for that:

#ffmpeg -i /home/you/new_file.mp4 -acodec copy -vcodec copy /home/you/new_file_reindexed.mp4

hope that helped

Thanks for the tip, but it didn’t work, ‘dd’ gets stuck after 100 mg which is around the part a normal copy stops. After about 1 hour I cancelled the command. Thanks for the tip.

Might try ddrescue

man ddrescue for instructions

You could always go the old school route. You stated that you can play the entire video just not copy it. Try hooking your video output to your TV, then use a recording device to record what the TV is showing. Such as A DVR, or (dare I say) a VCR.