Autum 2015

Well, I was right, week 42 and the yearly hunt on elks (moose) have started and its below 0C in the morning. It was -6C here today and as you can see on the picture that the leafs that still exist have change color. The grass have stop grooving. It becomes dark already 18.30 in the evening.


At least I am waiting for some new beautiful photos from you. Hasn’t you got some winter pictures :wink:

Hello there(hej)!

Well it is not that easy, it has been very dry here and last week it was ~ -10C (below 0C)
At lunch today it was +11C downtown :frowning:

Why not publish a almost 20-year old picture. Two puppies and the comments was probably:
-now we have dressed up in heavy clothes and fur against the cold outside, Christmas is less then a month away…


Good day, sir (tjenare :))
Well, if it is so warm it still autum. Nice picture, your fellows was dressed up for winter. Thanks for the photo

What breed of dog is it in the photo?

No much to show here but it seems to have been the first dry morning we’ve had in a while here on the east coast of England. There have been lots of wet and windy days. We’ve got quite a few leaves to clear up sometime, the baffle’s blown of it’s holder on the bird feeder again (I’ll have to glue it in place or something…) and we’ve got some more logs to bring down to a bunker by the house (which is why the wheelbarrow is by the porch). We’ve been lighting the wood burner in the evenings for the past 3 weeks but we haven’t needed it at other times.

No, mother nature doesn’t work or winter here (2015).

2004, The puppy dog is always a Samojed. The ginger haired girl…?


Thanks for the info. They look nice dogs. I read they are herders. We once had a border collie and she was a herder - people, hens, even the wheelbarrow - basically anything that moved seemed to be a candidate for being rounded up if you let her get away with it.

They are all-round dogs, a link if you are interested:

They are very good working dogs managing sheep’s and cows as a ex.

A picture from home ((2007) -21C),

When will the snow fall here…


Nice pictures. Couples of weeks to Christmas and winter solstice, so we cross our fingers. We like your positive input! Thanks!

Thanks for the link multi-talented and what seems like an easy going nature sounds good.

Thanks also for the picture. I’m afraid I find 0C too cold so I don’t think it would be for me but it looks great all the same.

I’m old enough to remember many green winters here. I have a IMO a healthy thought on the climate, compared with others.

Attach a photo from 20151225.


Finally some snow here…

Best regars

:good: Nice. See that your farm brownie (gårdstomte) wasn’t catched on the picture, maybe next time. That amount of snow is enough!