On 2013-04-17 06:16, robertot5 wrote:
> This is the output of blkid
> Code:
> --------------------
> /dev/sda1: LABEL=“HDD1” UUID=“549EB48E9EB46A5E” TYPE=“ntfs”
> /dev/sda2: UUID=“faaacf8a-36d8-4838-aeff-07b2a67ab77c” TYPE=“swap”
> /dev/sda3: UUID=“eb52b6a8-b699-441e-8cce-8be81aa6e345” TYPE=“ext4”
> --------------------
> Actually that “usb-SanDisk_Cruzer_Micro” entry is of an old flash drive
> I don’t use anymore.
> The windows partition is mounted as HDD1 in my file manager and is
> located in /media/HDD1
For convenience, first install package “mc”.
Then, log out from any graphical users you may have in use. Type
[ctrl][alt][f1]. There log in (text mode) as root (yes, in text mode it
is advisable to do so instead of log in as user then “su -”). Issue the
command “init 1” - I hope this still works with systemd, but I’m not
sure. If it doesn’t, stop and we’ll find out what to use instead.
The system will probably ask you to log in again, do so as root (text
umount /tmp
If the system refuses, we will have to devise another procedure. Stop
here in that case.
Open an editor, in text mode. I suggested to install ‘mc’ because then
you can use the editor ‘mcedit’, it has a menu. Otherwise you can use ‘joe’.
mcedit /etc/fstab
Comment out the line with “usb-SanDisk_Cruzer_Micro” in it. This is done
by writing a ‘#’ as the first character.
Now, create another line like this:
> LABEL=HDD1 /windows/C ntfs-3g users,uid=YOUR_LOGIN_NAME,gid=users,fmask=133,dmask=022,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0
(there are other possibilities, that is simply one combination I use)
Save. Run this:
mkdir /windows
mkdir /windows/C
touch /windows/C/not_mounted
mount /windows/C
ls /windows/C/
You should see the contents of the Windows partition. If the mount
command above failed, investigate why. If you can not mount the
partition, then edit again fstab and comment out that /windows/C line,
else your system may boot to emergency mode next time, and ask here.
init 5
and you can log in back as graphical user. Done.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)