Auto-resume for CUPS printer?

Is there a setting to auto-resume stopped printers?

I believe to remember that the CUPS configuration file had an option for setting a time interval to retry and restart printers, but I cannot find it any more, nor something similar in the http://localhost:631/ dialogues.

We have an old ink jet connected by USB to a laptop docking station, which is used by my wife and myself. Currently, we always have to go to the CUPS page after docking and resume the printer manually, whenever we “scheduled” a printing job while being undocked.

(Yes, I do have a dedicated box that could also act as a convenient print server, allowing us printing over the local wireless network, but after rearranging our living spaces, I am not allowed to place the printer within an USB-cable’s length next to that box. it’s complicated. (sigh) :wink: )

You want to create this printer to network printer? Sorry but I can not understand. Explain with few words.

On 2011-02-22 18:36, STurtle wrote:
> Is there a setting to auto-resume stopped printers?
> I believe to remember that the CUPS configuration file had an option
> for setting a time interval to retry and restart printers, but I cannot
> find it any more, nor something similar in the http://localhost:631/
> dialogues.

The setting would be in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf, if it exists. I see one named
“Resume-Job”, and another “resume-printer” it could be that.

Have a look here:


Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)

The problem: Cups stops printers that are not plugged in. It is necessary to manually resume the printer. This is a difficult problem for some users.

What I want: Upon boot, cups should resume all printers.

Thanks to robin_listats, I will try those settings now:

ErrorPolicy retry-job
JobRetryInterval 300
JobRetryLimit 500

Although I am not so sure that this really achieves what I want, since usually the printer remains unplugged until the next boot.

On 2011-02-23 11:06, STurtle wrote:
> -The problem:- Cups stops printers that are not plugged in. It is
> necessary to manually resume the printer. This is a difficult problem
> for some users.
> -What I want:- Upon boot, cups should resume all printers.

Do it by command in cron. Perhaps “lpunlock”? Ah no, that’s an “expect”
example. It is doable, just I don’t remember which command it is.

> Thanks to robin_listats, I will try those settings now:
>> ErrorPolicy retry-job
>> JobRetryInterval 300
>> JobRetryLimit 500
> Although I am not so sure that this really achieves what I want, since
> usually the printer remains unplugged until the next boot.

No, I think the command method is the way to go. I remember being told that
if a printer is not ready when there is a job to print, it is disabled till
manually reenabled, intentionally. This must be in the mail archive,
somewhere. Ah, from a mail of the maintainer, JM, a similar problem:

Only since CUPS 1.2:
If you know that it doesn’t matter when you loose print jobs,
set a different printer-error-policy for the print queue, see
and see “man lpadmin”, e.g. do
lpadmin -p <queue-name> -o printer-error-policy=abort-job

It is not what you want, but it is a clue.

Reading material: :wink:

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)