Audio output device not detected

I recently installed OpenSuse Leap 15.6 and I’ve been having trouble with the audio side of it. I have my wired earphones connected to laptop but OpenSuse can’t seem to detect it. It has no problem working on my windows

I recently tried connecting a bluetooth earpod on it and it works, but somehow my wired earphones doesn’t. Does anyone know how to fix it?

Does openSUSE detect your speakers or microphone? If not, you might have hit the bug in kernel-default-6.4.0-150600.23.17.1 which is affecting some of us. I’d suggest a read of this post about firmware:
which also refers to a separate bug recorded here:
I was able to roll back to kernel 6.4.0-150600.23.14-default which works fine and haven’t taken the issue any further as yet. If your recent install was your first, then you may not have the previous kernel to roll back to. If so, the posts I’ve linked suggest a path. Otherwise I’m sure there will be a kernel update during the course of the month.

I tried rolling back to 6.4.0-150600.21-default since it’s the only one available in grub but somehow it’s still not detecting my wired earphones

On another note the time on my system seems to be wrong by a huge margin even though I have it on auto mode

Its very difficult to provide help without knowing more about the actual sound hardware on your system.

Note that GNU/Linux versions such as openSUSE allow one to control sound on a per device and per multi-media application basis by using an app such as “pavucontrol”. Have you tried to install that and use it to tune your audio to send output to your headphones?

If you found “pavucontrol” does not help, can you in turn help us by providing more detail as to your computer’s audio hardware?

One way to do that is to open an xterm or konsole, and with your computer connected to the internet type this diagnostic script command:

sudo /usr/sbin/

Enter the root password (I am proposing you run this with sudo (and hence root permissions) so to get a dmesg output).

When prompted select the “UPLOAD/SHARE option” and let the script run to completion. When it completes in the xterm/konsole it will provide you an internet address (where script output was uploaded) that you are to share with those providing you support.

Please copy that address here so that we can check the configuration that is reported for your sound, and assess if that gives us any hints as to your sound issue.

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