Audio Help

I’m with a small problem

i have an ASUS P5KPL-AM EPU G31 775C2D 1333 2XDDRII800 VGA PCI-X

and everytime i’m earing music on Amarok and, for example, someone sends a message on Kopete, it mutes Amarok

the same thing happens if start watching a video on YouTube.

I can’t get both working at the same time :frowning:

any help would be very much appreciated!

Hello??? Anyone???

This is a generic Linux problem and is one of the reasons why pulse audio was introduced. However pulse audio is buggy, and to avoid the many problems that users often have with pulse, it was disabled by default in KDE-4 in openSUSE-11.2.

Note that alsa, in addition to being the sound driver, also provides an API ( the alsa-api) and for some hardware the alsa-api will allow multiple applications to use the same sound device at the same time. So you could go into each application, and change its output audio mode to the ALSA api. That “might” work for you. It works for my PCs.

I see Pulse Audio, but not any Alsa-Api :frowning:

How can i enable Pulse Audio?

And, how do i get Alsa-Api??? I see i already have a few Alsa “things” installed, but i don’t see any Alsa-Api (just alsa, alsa-firmware, alsa-oss, alsa-plugins and alsa-utils)

You need to look in the setup/preferences for each application. It is often only called “alsa”.

Ok, i’ve found it on SMPlayer, for example… and on Amarok under
Configure > Configure Amarok > Reproduction > Configure

i have “ALSA:x-phonon:Card=0,DEV=0” when i put the mouse cursor over “HDA Intel (VT1708S Analog)”

so from what i can see it’s already set, right?

if so, is there any other way i can solve this?

Hello?! Help?!

The alsa api fix only works for some hardware. Its quite possible it does not work for your hardware.

Plus I can not tell from your later posts what additional apps you are trying to play at the same time. Nor can I tell what KDE4 version you have in place. You did not mention smplayer in your 1st post as being a source of the problem, and suddenly in the last post a reference to smplayer appears as a source of a problem … . with no description as to how it applies to the amarok/youtube problem. … and as noted, the alsa-api workaround does not work for all hardware.

I’m also not a kopete user, so I can not help there.

Here are some audio concepts to possibly help you understand the theory better: Sound-concepts - openSUSE … that is just theory, … no practical advice there. Again, if your hardware does not support this then it can’t be worked around via the alsa-api.

OK, Thank you for the tip :slight_smile:

You take a look at this URL to see if it may help:
SystemWideInstance – PulseAudio

… I have not tried that myself, so if it gives you difficulties, it is unlikely I’ll be able to help.