[audio convertion]mp3 to ogg

hi all
please give advise in simple (and i believe recently discuss) problem howto convert patented mp3 to patent free ogg format
-how lossless this procedure…
-what is default such converter in openSuSE 11.0

try audiokonverter,it’s in the packman repo’s


thank you deltaflyer44

i install it but i cannot find how can i run this :frowning:
I’m confused
I use gnome how can i run audiokonverter

i found that it installed in /opt/kde3/bin/

one of the executables audioconvert this is bash script…

i run it in terminal and has this

:/opt/kde3/bin> ./audioconvert
./audioconvert: line 742: kdialog: команда не найдена
/opt/kde3/bin/audioconvert: line 742: kdialog: команда не найдена
/opt/kde3/bin/audioconvert: line 742: kdialog: команда не найдена

text in russian means “command not found”
can you help one more to me with this…

maybe i’m doing completely wrong… I’am using gnome 2.2

right-click the file you wish to convert & then from the actions menu,select convert to & select your preferred conversion. Don’t know how to do it in Gnome, haven’t installed it yet :slight_smile:


try jripper from packman

thank you deltaflyer44
for some reason i have difficulties with starting KDE…

thank you caf4926
i give a try to jripper

i try to run mp32ogg(now it mp3toogg) script but it has dependenses that i could not (i do not know this word… made is close)

so it not working for me…

thank you it is work well…
it has some complicate interface as for me… but it ten minutes i understand what this app wants from me and convert some stuff
and now i need oggplay on nokia… :slight_smile:
so thank you all very much for help…