Audio cds will not play fluently on my 11.3 KDE 64 bit.

I have a problem about playing cds in my newly installed Opensuse 11.3 KDE 64 bit.

If I put an audio cd and play it with Kscd or any other device it can play, but after few seconds it hangs, plays again, hangs etc.

I have installed the files explained in the multimedia guide, ( - maybe with one exception; - I misread the guide and did not delete the VLC repository right away.

I have since tried to address this by using YasT Software Management to switch all packages, - I was advised to do this.)

I wonder if anyone could help me???

Try amarok
or even better - rip the cd and play from your HD

k3b will rip cd’s if you have k3b-codecs installed, or install jripper from packman

Hello caf4926

Mm, - there is a thing I forgot to mention, - mostly because Amarok couldn’t play cds on my previous 11.1 and 11.2, so I didn’t think much of it, but it wont load them, - I checked again. (Admitted could be I use it wrongly, - if i put in the ced there comes a pop up dialog box, there i can chose to play it with Amarok, if I do that nothing happens. If i open Amarok, open folder and find it, if I mark the files nothing happens.)

You are right, ripping them is a good idea, - and its a project I should get to. And I will look into k3b and ripping and the formats it can do it to.

But still I would like to be able to just play them, I have loads of cds and they are nice enough. :wink:

KsCD, kaffeine, amarok, vlc,

All tried and working here

In my pc neither Kaffeine, KsCD, or sm-player will play fluently. I do not have vlc. I thought it might be related to codecs? During the packman install not everything was installed smoothly, some files came with warnings etc. Could it be that?

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It looks OK at a quick glance

So audio playing from the HD sounds fine?

Mm yes, no problems there ( I have a few issues about the screen resolution, but I do not think that relates to that ). And the hardware also works, - i have an old xp i can boot into for games and such, and it will play audiocds.

I can also rip, ( - started the ripping project you animated me to, ;-), - its a long one, 10 down 300 to go!! )

I’m thinking if it is related to the fact that I didnt right away delete the vlc repository as I wrote "I have installed the files explained in the multimedia guide, ( - maybe with one exception; - I misread the guide and did not delete the VLC repository right away.

I have since tried to address this by using YasT Software Management to switch all packages, - I was advised to do this.)"

This is how vlc and packman looked in yast before i switched it.

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ImageBam - Fast, Free Image Hosting and Photo Sharing

Actually i did more than switched it, I first removed vlc from yasts repositories, then i switched it.

It should be OK and your earlier images showing the packman packages looked good.
All there may be are some red packages left over from the VLC repo. If you view by repository it opens at ‘system’ - Scan down and see. An example of one you will certainly have is libdvdcss. It’s from VLC and not in Packman, there may be others like it, I don’t know. When you look you will see no provider listed when you go to the ‘versions’ tab. Try it with libdvdcss and you will see what I mean. These are basically orphaned packages, but I don’t really think they will be the issue though.

What version of Amarok do you have that plays audio cd, without ripping to HD? The one that comes with 11.3 distribution i.e. 2.3.0 doesn’t seem to have that function.

I have 2.3.1
I have kde4.5.1

But I am certain 99.99% that cd playing was in earlier versions. I may even have a screen of it. Now it’s just finding it.

Here is a current screen
CD opens on the left

I haven’t managed to play audio cd in 2.3.0 and all previous version 2. The function was there in KDE3 Amarok 1.4.10 and earlier. There was much angst about it on Amarok website and there have been such posts here. IIRC the amarok devs said they might get it done sometime, but not a priority since ripping to HD was the main method.

In your 2.3.1, how is audio cd initiated? Via menu entry, or a pop up when you insert the cd?

BTW, in 1.4.10 it was facilitated by an entry in the first/left-hand drop menu (called Amarok on 2.3.0).

The cd just appears in the drop menu there on the left along with the Local HD collection.

Now I’m 100% sure
Not sure of the version but this image is from December](

Ok. Thanks for clarifying.

Well, I clicked on the help menu in your picture, but it doesn’t work so I don’t know the version either. :smiley: :smiley:

If you click on the file manager in the panel you might be able to access all my personal files :wink:

:open_mouth: lol!.

Joking aside, your claim about the december pic encouraged me to explore 11.3 on my system, and it’s even more strange. I have two systems on my notebook, both 11.3/KDE 4.4.4:

A) Main system, upgraded from 11.2 (zypper dup), with Amarok 3.2.0, doesn’t play audio cd. Get the popup with six actions. Plays in kaffeine and KsCD. On selecting, Amarok opens but no CD details appear in left-hand panel.

B) Test system, clean install from DVD iso, with Amarok 3.2.0, plays audio CD, after selecting the popup action and clicking in left-hand panel to generate playlist. It even picked up cddb info. Buggy as it crashed several times during playback.

Both have Amarok 3.2.0, but they must be different! The working one (B) is “amarok-2.3.0-7.1.x86_64”. Will check the failing one when back on that system and report.

have you tried deleting all your hidden amarok config files, might want to try that first.

This folder: .kde4/share/apps/amarok

These files:


Sorry caf 4926, you are a bit ahead of me now. I will answer as good as I can.

I have the Amarok that came with the 11.3 DVD 64 bit. Same for KDE.

And yes I do get this cd menu in Amarok, when I load it as you showed, and it did play… - but with the same on and off breaks as KsCD and the other applications.