ATI install hardway?

I like to download the source. I never had like the 1 click install. It no fun. It take out all the fun to install. I know that nVidia is way better for linux. But having a integrated nvidia 6100. Kinda make my keyboard crash at times. I ask my friend parent. And they said they give me there for FREE. So here I am with a Radeon X700 PRO (RV410) (PCIE). I have a x32 bit computer ^.^ and 11.2. But I’m having trouble finding good info on install the driver. So I can used it to play games and such. So I’m asking is, to hit me up with everything I’m going to need to install this right.

ATI X700 is quite old card and ATI dropped support for this card in their drivers which are required for opensuse 11.2. You can use opensource radeonhd (installed by default) or ati driver, which comes with distribution and try some 3D applications to verify 3D is working…

Here is some basic practical theory on graphic drivers for openSUSE, that may be useful for you to understand any response to your help request:
openSUSE Graphic Card Practical Theory Guide for Users - openSUSE Forums

Note I am going to be away for 2 weeks starting tomorrow, with little to no access to this forum.

Have a great time on Schiermonnikoog ( that’s the only place I know with little to no access to the forums). If I’m wrong, don’t correct me, correct your travel plans…:wink:

Thanks! … actually 1st 3 days are a business trip, where by the time meetings and obligatory business supper is over, there is minimal time to use hotel wireless (assuming such wireless works). And then after returning home close to midnight, I have to then get up by 5am next day to catch an early morning flight across the ocean, and meet up with family members in a port city to go on a cruise. The $1.00/minute Internet costs on the Cruise ship are high enough to keep me away from the Internet. lol!