Ata to Usb Interface

Dear all I have a 500Gb Ata hard disk which I connect to my system with the ata to usb cable.
I formatted it as ext4 using Yast and I would like to use it for storing backups.

The only problem I have is that I do not know after I plugged in my hard disk and completed what I had to do how I should shut it down .

I am not talking about unmounting I am discussing how to shut down the hard disk before I remove the power cable. There must be a way to tell to the hard disk to park the disk heads and shut down.

Do you know how I can do that in Linux?



I have personaly a WD USB external and all I have to do is unplug the USB cable and the electrical plug, that’s all. The disk park the heads when the USB cable is unplugged.

Same here. I have an external enclosure with a HD in it, and all i do is unmount it (eject). then you can turn it off. The important thing is to unmount it.

Hmm thankss a lot. sounds strange to me :frowning:
I will try that as I do not have any other option.


You don’t have to worry about heads parking. I haven’t since XT time. But you should unmount the filesystem.

On 2011-03-17 09:36, alaios wrote:
> Hmm thankss a lot. sounds strange to me :frowning:
> I will try that as I do not have any other option.

No strange at all, it is the same with internal HDs. When they are powered
off, a spring parks the heads automatically. Only the original HD used in
PCs, pre 1980, needed parking, because they used step motors for the head

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)

thanks a lot all