I have a similar issue.
Using Opensuse 15. After the last updates (I’m not sure if the updates are from today or not, as I use to send the computer to sleep instead of power of. I rebooted it today because I saw a message to do so) I got a message
A start job is running from /dev/disk/by-uuid/someid time running/no limit
and the system won’t boot.
I booted with a rescue system (boot installed system did the trick) and saw the uuid belong to the swap partition, I thought it could be damaged so I reset it with mkswap … the the partition got a new uuid.
I changed the uuid in yast bootloader, recreate the bootloader
fernando@andromeda:~> ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 oct 5 19:06 5b000355-3a1a-49f5-8005-f10668008aa7 -> ../../nvme0n1p1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 oct 5 19:06 f030c042-1eb6-47e7-81ed-33dba9eb528d -> ../../sda1
sda1 is swap and the other is the root partition (btrfs)
#grub2-install /dev/nvme0n1
I boot … the same, but now the uuid in te message has changed
A start job is running from /dev/disk/by-uuid/f030c042-1eb6-47e7-81ed-33dba9eb528d time running/no limit
But f030c042-1eb6-47e7-81ed-33dba9eb528d is the right uuid of my swap partition … why the error?
Then I reboot and in grub menu I edit the entry and delete the resume=f030c042-1eb6-47e7-81ed-33dba9eb528d
When not exactly the subject of this topic, you should always create a new topic. Were it only to expose your problem to more people then only those that follow this one.
Also this is a Tumbleweed case and you say you use an unspecified “Opensuse 15”.
Once I have faced a “startjob is running…” boot failure the related drive wasn’t found as expected from the fstab entry (it was actually unplugged).
Maybe a cat /etc/fstab
can shed some light on the issue? Probably add a lsblk -f ?
Does the entry in /dev/disk/by-uuid/THEuuid
point to /dev/sda1
and does this actually exist?
Yes, of course. Te point is that if is mounting the partition as swap with the uuid set in fstab and is working as swap, why is reporting an error when this same uuid is set in grub in resume=
As far as I know the problem with the resume= in grub could be that the partition is not there, for instance if (as is my case) the swap partition is in other disk than the boot partition and I had unplugged this disk, then the system will be looking for the partition will not find it and I will have an error. But if the partition is there and the uuid is correct and is a swap partition, why I have an error?
One obvious possible reason - because necessary drivers are missing in initrd. Your root is NVMe and swap on something else. NVMe drivers are present and drivers for “something else” not.