ASUS Eee PC 1215p

Hello guys. I have a question. I want to ask you, does anybody install OpenSUSE on this netbook?
I had install it from simple dvd-distro, but there were many troubles:

  1. Update.
    Before downloading the packets, it thinks… so for example, before downloading the packet with 100kb size, it thinks 30-40 seconds, it is unbeliveable.
  2. Drivers.
    Wi-Fi Driver is not installed from the box, and driver broadcom 43xxx won’t install, i dont know why… try to do it with ndiswrapper. wlan0 won’t see…
  3. Working something wrong… but Windows 7 Ultimate working very fast…
    I need help.

P.S. Sorry for my english, i’m from Russia…

First welcome to our comunnity!!!:slight_smile:

I tell you something that you do not hear again!
Firstly, a question you buy this laptop with windows 7. And you make format to install or you create a partition to install LINUX.
I have not this laptop, I have a asus laptop with amd processor and opensuse.
About operating system with a desktop you have not problems to install opensuse because drivers and anything you want, you download them and install them. But laptop is a different story because all are together(I mean motherboard, sound card etc are together) so there are other drivers from laptops. If you want to buy a laptop
and you have linux as the main operating system you should buy with it( I mean installed already from shop who you buy the laptop ) so you have not problem with drivers.


I’ve bought it with windows 7 starter and format ALL!!!
Than i’ve installed windows 7 ultimate, than create partition Ext3 with Acronis Disk Editor for linux.
I’ve bought it already without linux =\

On my PC OpenSUSE and Windows 7 as main systems because it is my job… so i need opensuse and windows 7 on my netbook.

I will try to find your drivers because you need it. Your computer is that ASUS Eee PC 1215p. Tomorow perchaps you have your drivers.

Sorry for my english, i’m from Russia…

And I am from Hellas. Do not worry about that.rotfl!:slight_smile:

BIG thanks you.
My try failed… on no drivers for linux.
But, i’ve found driver for wi-fi(take from windows driver files *.sys and *.inf) and try to install it through ndiswrapper - but fail, wlan0 was not see there… nothing… broadcom43xxx… ****!

You need to look in the wireless subforum and read the stickies on what
information is required…

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 (x86_64) Kernel
up 9 days 7:16, 2 users, load average: 0.14, 0.07, 0.01
GPU GeForce 8600 GTS Silent - Driver Version: 260.19.36

If you want opensuse try to install in your desktop.

On 01/27/2011 03:06 PM, dikkini wrote:
> BIG thanks you.
> My try failed… on no drivers for linux.
> But, i’ve found driver for wi-fi(take from windows driver files *.sys
> and *.inf) and try to install it through ndiswrapper - but fail, wlan0
> was not see there… nothing… broadcom43xxx… ****!

There are Linux drivers for all Broadcom devices. Some are open-source and
included in the kernel, and others are closed-source from Broadcom. What you
need to do depends on which model you have. To tell that, open a terminal and
run the command

/sbin/lspci -nn | grep 14e4

What we need to know is the number that follows the “14e4”.

So, so so, what i have…
I have linux mint on my netbook and opensuse on my desktop.
So, opensuse is terribly lags on my netbook, i don’t know why… but on my desktop it is running briliant!
Everybody thx for the help!
I’m still with you, but without netbook :wink: