Aspect ratio not working

I am trying to play an older game with low res, and both one to one and fill to aspect ratio options on my monitor are not working in Linux(works fine in XP). The game in question plays at 1280x800 max, and it just stretches out to full screen no matter what setting.

Here is the xorg.conf file

Section "Monitor"
  Option       "CalcAlgorithm" "XServerPool"
  DisplaySize  518 324
  HorizSync    30-94
  Identifier   "Monitor[0]"
  ModelName    "HP W2408"
  Option       "PreferredMode" "1920x1200"
  VendorName   "HWP"
  VertRefresh  50-85
  UseModes     "Modes[0]"

Section "Modes"
  Identifier   "Modes[0]"
  Modeline 	"1920x1200" 154.00 1920 1968 2000 2080 1200 1203 1209 1235

Section "Screen"
  DefaultDepth 24
  SubSection "Display"
    Depth      15
    Modes      "1920x1200" "1900x1200" "1920x1080" "1600x1200" "1680x1050" "1600x1024" "1600x1000" "1400x1050" "1600x900" "1280x1024" "1440x900" "1280x960" "1366x768" "1360x768" "1280x800" "1152x864" "1280x768" "1280x720" "1024x768" "1280x600" "1024x600" "800x600" "768x576" "640x480" 
  SubSection "Display"
    Depth      16
    Modes      "1920x1200" "1900x1200" "1920x1080" "1600x1200" "1680x1050" "1600x1024" "1600x1000" "1400x1050" "1600x900" "1280x1024" "1440x900" "1280x960" "1366x768" "1360x768" "1280x800" "1152x864" "1280x768" "1280x720" "1024x768" "1280x600" "1024x600" "800x600" "768x576" "640x480" 
  SubSection "Display"
    Depth      24
    Modes      "1920x1200" "1900x1200" "1920x1080" "1600x1200" "1680x1050" "1600x1024" "1600x1000" "1400x1050" "1600x900" "1280x1024" "1440x900" "1280x960" "1366x768" "1360x768" "1280x800" "1152x864" "1280x768" "1280x720" "1024x768" "1280x600" "1024x600" "800x600" "768x576" "640x480" 
  SubSection "Display"
    Depth      8
    Modes      "1920x1200" "1900x1200" "1920x1080" "1600x1200" "1680x1050" "1600x1024" "1600x1000" "1400x1050" "1600x900" "1280x1024" "1440x900" "1280x960" "1366x768" "1360x768" "1280x800" "1152x864" "1280x768" "1280x720" "1024x768" "1280x600" "1024x600" "800x600" "768x576" "640x480" 
  Device       "Device[0]"
  Identifier   "Screen[0]"
  Monitor      "Monitor[0]"

Section "Device"
  BoardName    "GeForce 8800 GT"
  Driver       "nvidia"
  Identifier   "Device[0]"
  VendorName   "NVidia"

Section "ServerLayout"
  Identifier   "Layout[all]"
  InputDevice  "Keyboard[0]" "CoreKeyboard"
  InputDevice  "Mouse[1]" "CorePointer"
  Option       "Clone" "off"
  Option       "Xinerama" "off"
  Screen       "Screen[0]"

Section "DRI"
    Group      "video"
    Mode       0660

Section "Extensions"
  Option       "Composite" "on"

Eiledon wrote:
> I am trying to play an older game with low res

you can hang and wait, but if you don’t find the guru in this
(hardware) forum to help you, you might give a shout to a monitor (via
PM) and ask’em to scoot it over to the games forum…i bet someone
over there might know how to do what you need…

in fact, they might have already discussed it…have you tried the
forums advanced search (where you can search in one or multiple fora
at the same time) yet?

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
posted via NNTP w/TBird | KDE 3.5.7 | openSUSE 10.3 SMP i686
AMD Athlon 1 GB RAM | GeForce FX 5500 | ASRock K8Upgrade-760GX |
CMedia 9761 AC’97 Audio

Which game is it ?

Moving this to the game section anyway, better chances there

So you have a game that uses a 1280/800=1.6 aspect ratio and play it in a monitor with a 1920/1200=1.6 aspect ratio… Yes, the game will use the full screen, what’s the problem?

Whoops, put down the wrong resolution the game is 4:3.

I forgot to mention, aspect ratio and one to one worked in 11.1.

Without knowing the game this is what I can say you:

  • I have a 1920x1080 monitor connected through D-sub
  • I don’t specify the resolutions through xorg.conf, I allow EDID to do its work. This way I have 1920x1080, 1280x960, 1280x720 and 640x480 (and others) available. I haven’t 960x720 available. (info obtained from xrandr)
  • ScummVM (640x480) works fine using both full screen and keep aspect ratio monitor settings.
  • ScummVM with a 2x filter (1280x960) works fine using both full screen and keep aspect ratio monitor settings.
  • ScummVM with a 3x filter (1920x1440) doesn’t fits in my display. What happens is that:
  • A 1280x720 resolution is used (so says the monitor). But still ScummVM GUI shows with the correct AR (black bars are automatically added at sides? SDL does that?)
  • I can only use the full screen monitor option (still, as said, the AR is correct)

So I suppose your game just tries to use a non-available resolution. It probably doesn’t uses SDL and ends selecting a wrong resolution and doing a bad stretch decision by itself… at this point the monitor has little to do.
In such a case you need to fix the game or add the resolution it requests to the list of available ones. Perhaps letting the X server decide by itself is enough, in my case it adds resolutions as low as 320x240 automatically.

If you need more help the xrandr output and game name would be a must.

I tried several games with the same result so it is not game specific, but it is Pharaoh.

Screen 0: minimum 320 x 175, current 1920 x 1200, maximum 1920 x 1200
default connected 1920x1200+0+0 0mm x 0mm
1920x1200 50.0* 64.0
1920x1080 51.0 65.0 66.0 67.0
1600x1200 52.0 68.0 69.0
1680x1050 53.0
1600x1000 54.0
1400x1050 55.0 70.0
1280x1024 56.0 71.0 72.0
1440x900 57.0
1280x960 58.0 73.0
1152x864 59.0
1280x720 60.0 74.0
1024x768 61.0 75.0 76.0 77.0 78.0 79.0 80.0 81.0
800x600 62.0 90.0 91.0 92.0 93.0 94.0 95.0 96.0 97.0 98.0
640x480 63.0 110.0 111.0 112.0 113.0 114.0 115.0
960x720 82.0 83.0 84.0
928x696 85.0 86.0
896x672 87.0 88.0
832x624 89.0
720x960 99.0
720x576 100.0 101.0
720x480 102.0 103.0
720x400 104.0
700x525 105.0 106.0
640x512 107.0 108.0 109.0
640x400 116.0
640x350 117.0
576x432 118.0
512x384 119.0 120.0 121.0 122.0 123.0
416x312 124.0
400x300 125.0 126.0 127.0 128.0 129.0
360x200 130.0
320x240 131.0 132.0 133.0 134.0
320x200 135.0
320x175 136.0

All of them through Wine? If so I would:

  • Test native ScummVM
  • Test ScummVM in Wine (both 1.1.28 from OSS and 1.1.43 from Emulatos:Wine)
  • Know which resolution Pharaoh is requesting

I expect native ScummVM to work even with a 3x filter, and in Wine not keeping the correct AR. If so it’s a bug in Wine that should be reported.

I don’t have scummvm installed, and have never needed it.

Thanks, but I will either go back to 11.1 where things actually work properly, or play the games in Windows, in the time I wasted with trying to get it to run properly I could have completed the game.